
which statement about public relations is correct

Todd Hunt and James Grunig developed a theory of four models of PR. Brand managers that once focused on the product now find themselves in the role of community leaders, responsible for the well-being of a cultural image (Atkin, 2004). Audiences varies; not just customers (examples: media, internal employees), Earned media: Publicity achieved through pitching or convincing journalists to cover your client or organization, Focused on drawing attention to the product through strategic placement and imagery, Component of marketing (falls under the umbrella of marketing efforts), Paid media: companies have to pay for advertisement creation, In 1982, Johnson & Johnsons Tylenol medication commanded 35% of the US over-the-counter analgesic. Ultimately, from the advertisers point of view, the goal is not only to move the consumer to purchase the product but also to inspire them to advocate for the brand. Inbound marketing is advertisings answer to de-massification. Recently Toyota faced a marketing crisis when it instituted a massive recall based on safety issues. Expert consultants develop a specific communication plan to help achieve organizational goals. The amount of money spent on traditional media channels has declined as more and more readers have turned to favor online and social media news sources. For more on the impact of reputation on business success, take a look at this article from The Entrepreneur. During the 1930s, the De Beers company had an enormous amount of diamonds and a relatively small market of luxury buyers. Costco and Sams Club even put limits on the number of large bags of rice people could purchase. tool. Here are three other ways to differentiate the two: 1. No one dies when people do their jobs salting the roads and drivers maneuver safely in snowstorms. Competitor LOral eventually bought the Body Shop for a fraction of its previous value (Entine, 2007). Politicians communicate with their constituents and make their message known using PR strategies. Digital marketing is the use of Internet tools and technologies, such as search engines, Web 2.0 social bookmarking, new media relations, blogs, and social media marketing. ATL and BTL advertising can work hand in hand. We are faithful to those we represent, while honoring our obligation to serve the public interest. The two-way asymmetrical model presents a more scientifically persuasive way of communicating with key audiences. An effective public relations program continues over months or even years. Public relations uses multiple channels to generate public exposure. Solved Which of the following statements is true about - Chegg Expert Answer 100% (5 ratings) Answer The accurate statement about public relations is; it includes the use of speeches, corporate websites and special events sponsorships. Although line agencies serve primarily in a support capacity, they may also have groups that perform the agencies' designated tasks. questions. Therefore, the public relations professional helps to monitor and control conversations about a company or client and manage its reputation in the marketplace. Communication technicians write press releases, pitches, feature articles, and other communication materials and assist in event planning. They may come in the form of messages from Twitter bots,botnets,collections of fake social media profiles run by software or blogs, or email spam. To prevent its potential decline in the product lite-cycle, Disney runs a lot of commercials featuring Mickey Mouse showing you the fun times you could have in visiting Disney World again with your family, The commercials run throughout the year, though sometimes the amount of advertising can vary depending upon vacation season, weather and the economy, This example represents select all that apply): Use of a personality symbol Reminder advertising Sales promation Media scheduling based on flighting Madison & Vine. By attaching the Marlboro brand to such an important cultural event, the company gained an enormous amount of publicity. Sometimes the interests of different audiences and stakeholders vary, meaning several distinct but complementary messages must be created. The Body Shop had spent a great deal of time and money creating its progressive, spontaneous image. Besides the conflict during crisis situations between journalists and PR professionals, there are PR battles that go on between competing brands and between non-profits, corporations and government officials all the time. Now the doctrine is you respond instantaneously, and where possible with a strong counterattack. Multicultural Relations/Workplace Diversity. The new PR-oriented model of branding focuses on the overall image of the company rather than on the specific merits of the product. The level of targeting that is possible is incredible and would have been unimaginable 20 years ago. Their book details the ways in which modern companies use public relations to far greater benefit than they use advertising (Ries & Ries, 2004). Now, PR has to work in a digital media system where news reporters and editors are not the major gatekeepers deciding what information will be made public. PR professionals now need to think about search algorithms, search engine optimization, social media trends, social media platform algorithms, social media influencers and social link sharing sites such as Reddit. Also diverts attention away from public discussions if damaging. By providing the press with information favorable to the tobacco manufacturers and publicly promoting new filtered cigarettes, the campaign aimed to replace the idea that smoking was undeniably bad with the idea that there was disagreement over the effects of smoking. Although there are similarities, there also are key differences. How to Do PR: The Ultimate Guide to Public Relations in 2023 - HubSpot A member spreads malicious and unfounded rumors about a competitor in order to alienate the competitors clients and employees in a ploy to recruit people and business. PR professionals work to manage story framing. limitations. c- Event sponsorship is not an effective public relations A member discovers inaccurate information disseminated via a website or media kit and does not correct the information. Chapter 15 Review Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet Professionals and academics examine and manipulate all four components to isolate which changes correlate with which behavioral effects. Sometimes it helps us to understand an element of mass media if we discuss when it all goes wrong. Thong-clad actor Sacha Baron Cohen promotes Bruno by landing in Eminems lap at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Media representatives have an obligation to provide reliable information to their audiences, and they will get that information whether or not company spokespeople cooperate; if a company will not comment on the situation, someone else will. Reveal the sponsors for causes and interests represented. These efforts can range from wild publicity stunts to simple news conferences to celebrity interviews in fashion magazines. The first step of the campaign Hill & Knowlton devised was the creation of the Tobacco Industry Research Committee (TIRC) to promote studies that questioned the health effects of tobacco use. An early example of this kind of branding was Nikes product endorsement deal with Michael Jordan during the 1990s. Such a group can range from just one person to dozens of employees depending on the size and scope of the organization. As this connection spread throughout the country, Nike associated itself with Jordan and also with the emotional reaction he inspired in people. We serve the public interest by acting as responsible advocates for those we represent. Core Principle Public relations professionals work constantly to strengthen the publics trust in the profession. You should be aware as an information consumer that there are ongoing battles for your allegiance. The idea of inbound marketing is that you bring people in to learn about your product using content marketing and then you can make sales to them in the context of a relationship where they found you rather than vice versa. Advertising correct incorrect * not completed. The best prevention against bad PR is to follow your industrys and your own ethical codes at all times, whatever they are. b. Communicating with individuals and groups in various cultural groups. Later interviews with country artists and books on country music history have also mentioned this tour. We never mention the fact that we all have Macs. PR can take the form of an event, a product placement, or a skillfully crafted message delivered during a crisis. Core Principle Client trust requires appropriate protection of confidential and private information. Corporations, conveniently, grew large enough to have massive budgets to spend on advertising. There is also a thought process that defines a fifth P; Public Relations, and that it should be counted separately from the fourth P of promotion. PR campaigns promoted the image of the Saturn family, associating the company with powerful American values and giving Saturn owners a sense of community. Finally, the context of the campaign is often researched, including the possible consequences of the campaign and the potential effects on the organization. It can take the form of blog posts or entire blogs. Which of the following statements about public relations is true? Eventually, Nike created a vice president for corporate responsibility to deal with sweatshop issues.2. Global PR is a $14 billion industry. It took almost three months to cap the oil gusher. Mass media professionals craft messages to help sell products by raising awareness and pushing people to make actual purchase decisions, but in the network society and the age of targeted marketing, the ability to reach individual consumers who fit precise sets of characteristics is incredible. Act promptly to correct erroneous communications for which the practitioner is responsible. Just as PR campaigns build brands, PR crises can damage them. There are two other advertising concepts or theories that this text aims to introduce: the basic rule of seven and the third-person effect. The district will continue to require employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and will continue to provide religious and medical exemptions and accommodations where safe and reasonable. An example of earned media is when Apple released a new iPhone, and news organizations provided coverage of the lines that wrapped around city blocks as people waited for the latest gadget. Problem-solving facilitators provide crisis management to an organization during an obstacle. We believe our professional values are vital to the integrity of the profession as a whole. Broad strategies such as deciding on the overall message of a campaign and the best way to communicate the message can be finalized at this time. In other words, it is known as the first modern ad agency. You do not legally have to tell journalists everything that has happened (depending on the circumstances and whether your institution is funded by taxpayers), but if journalists discover a negative impact that you failed to disclose, they will wonder what else you are hiding, and they may give your critics and detractors extra consideration and attention. Because of this, PR efforts that get products and brands into the press are far more valuable than a simple advertisement. Im a savvy shopper. conference. Its. Chemical companies should prepare for chemical spills. A. Publicity on these channels can be worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now, there is a greater ability than ever to identify and create a need not only for interested members of a mass audience but also for specific individuals in real time based on their online and physical world behavior. They may also conduct research on the potential results to better understand the cost and benefits of the campaign. Pioneered by such companies as Procter & Gamble during the 1930s, the older, advertising-centric model of branding focused on the product, using advertisements to associate a particular branded good with quality or some other positive cultural value. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. If there is a disaster, the advice is to "be truthful and transparent," to not say too much and to correct any exaggerations that emerge in the news media and on social media, within reason. Protect yourself and those you share information with. Require that subordinates adhere to the ethical requirements of the Code. Question 2 1 pts The best (most accurate) way to set your advertising budget is to usemethod. Even if you do this, you might face a PR crisis. Lasswells model asked five simple questions:who (Sender) sent what (Message) through whichchannel (Channel) to which audience (Receiver) and with what effect. More is expected of advertisers than to put interesting messages in front of the right people based on general demographics. This renaming helped New York City eliminate tons of sewage by shipping it to states that allowed biosolids (Stauber & Rampton, 1995). The four models of PR include traditional publicity, public information, persuasive communication, and two-way symmetrical models. This can refer to a variety of entry-level positions, including public relations specialist, communication assistant, and junior account executive. While advertising is an essential aspect of initial brand creation, PR campaigns are vital to developing the more abstract aspects of a brand. To serve the public interest by providing the widest choice of practitioner options. This is not a flight of fancy. A member deceives the public by employing people to pose as volunteers to speak at public hearings and participate in grass roots campaigns. Public Relations (PR) Meaning, Types, and Practical Examples - Investopedia Abrandshould aim to have the same problem statement, industry viewpoint, or brandperceptionshared across multiple sources and media. In a sense, inbound marketing turns advertising upside down by building spaces and inviting consumers in to find what they are already looking for rather than trying to create a need outof the glut of information in digital communication networks. They need to make consumers aware of their brands, products and those products features, so they develop creative campaigns to promote them and often pay ad agencies to do the creative work and place the ads in front of mass audiences. The proliferation of media outlets and the 24-hour news cycle have led to changes in the way politicians handle PR. The basic definition of advertising is a message or group of messages designed with three intentions: to raise awareness in the population about brands, products and services; to encourage consumers to make purchases; and, ultimately, to inspire people to advocate for their favorite brands. Messaging aims to avoid having readers receive contradictory or confusing information that will instill doubt in their purchasing choice or spur them to make other decisions that will have a negative impact on the company. Front groups: A member implements grass roots campaigns or letter-writing campaigns to legislators on behalf of undisclosed interest groups. Before Obamas inauguration in January 2009, an unprecedented amount of merchandise was sold, a further testament to the power of branding (Alberts, 2009). The CEO of BP,Anthony Bryan Tony Hayward, lost his job because he made a major PR blunder when he said he just wanted his life back. Eleven people were dead. But, the PRSA Board of Directors retains the right to bar from membership or expel from the Society any individual who has been or is sanctioned by a government agency or convicted in a court of law of an action that fails to comply with the Code. It was founded in Philadephia in 1869. The Water Environment Federation, a lobbying group representing the sewage industry, initiated a campaign to promote the application of sewage on farms during the early 1990s. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. But media relations is the tip of the iceberg. Newspapers across the country cut ties with Adams after he went on a racist rant on his YouTube show. Solved Question 1 1 pts Which is an accurate statement about - Chegg As this chapter progresses, it defines the core concept of advertising and its relationship to public relations in more depth. With the abundance of information readily available to audiences worldwide, companies are more vulnerable than ever to misinformation about their brand. Think of a summer soft drink promotion advertised on television and on the radio (ATL) that is also backed up with neighborhood-specific billboards and hyper-targeted Twitter messages with surprise prizes given out (BTL). For example, can we represent the interests of loyal employee groups while our shareholders demand layoffs in favor of low-cost offshore suppliers?. Some press releases and newsletters are created based on this model, when audiences are not necessarily targeted or researched beforehand. The author of the original study noted that if there is news of a possible shortage, people sometimes buy up that item at grocery stores. Im not Homer Simpson looking at billboards.. Before delving into a discussion about the future of advertising, it might help to survey the history of the field. Chapter 1 - History, Impact, and The Big Picture, Chapter 2 - Digital Culture and Social Media's Impact on Public Relations, Chapter 4 - Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and Public Relations, Chapter 5 - Why Public Relations Writing Matters, Chapter 6 - The Role of Writing in Public Relations, Chapter 7 - Public Relations Writing Basics, Chapter 8 - Ethical and Legal Considerations, Chapter 9 - Tools and Tactics for the PR Toolbox, Chapter 10 - Establishing a Professional Portfolio. The promotion of products dates back thousands of years, but the modern advertising explosion tracks explosive growth in industrial manufacturing from roughly the mid-1800s through the entire 20th century. It is important to make amends to those affected and then do whatever is necessary to restore the organizations reputation in the community. The Evolving World of Public Relations : Beyond the Press Release by Professor Rosemary Martinelli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Common PR activities include speaking at conferences, seeking industry awards, working with the press, communicating with employees, and sending out press releases. Immediately advise an appropriate authority if a member discovers that confidential information is being divulged by an employee of a client company or organization. They need to move from being interested to desiring a product if they are going to make the purchase. A. Consider this example from Dr. William Sledzik, associate professor of journalism and mass communication at Kent State University:Can we realistically serve multiple stakeholders whose needs conflict? Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. By the mid-1990s, however, revelations about the unethical treatment of franchise owners called this image into serious question. Finally, in PR there is the need to learn from mistakes and to analyze a company or corporations crisis responses. The campaign came up with the word biosolids to replace the term sludge. It is a one-way form of communication. At the time of his trip, Franklin was an international celebrity, and the fashionable society of Paris celebrated his arrival; his choice of a symbolic American-style fur cap immediately inspired a new style of womens wigs. Awareness is associated with broad market potential. The TIRC ran advertisements featuring the results of these studies, giving journalists who were addressing the subject an easy source to quote. D. . However, the old trick is less effective in the modern digital world. On the fifth anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1987, Marlboros PR groups organized a celebration hosted by comedian Bob Hope. Helping people to survive is one of the primary functions of journalism. Demonstrating the need for and encouraging the public support charitable organization primarily through financial contributions. PRSA Code of Ethics | PRSA Counsel subordinates in proper ethical decision making. Media literacy is about what enters your mind: what stays in (that is, what issalient) and what goes out. The purpose is to squeeze as many people through the funnel as you can and to be able to identify the level of interest in a given market subset. Regardless of its purpose, a typical campaign often involves four phases. Advertising began in the early 1800's. B. Follow ethical hiring practices designed to respect free and open competition without deliberately undermining a competitor. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. This is not conceptually complicated. Examples of Improper Conduct Under this Provision: Core Principle Promoting healthy and fair competition among professionals preserves an ethical climate while fostering a robust business environment. Jordans amazing, seemingly magical performances on the basketball court created his immense popularity, which was then further built up by a host of press outlets and fans who developed an emotional attachment to Jordan. Media relations is the first thing that comes to mind when many people think of PR: public announcements about company news, talking to reporters, and articles about new developments at a company. HubSpot, the advertising company that provided the quick history of advertising early on in this chapter alsogets credit for helping to popularizeinbound marketing. Emphasis on enforcement of the Code has been eliminated. b. a collection of techniques for persuading news organizations to give space or time to people or products that are not inherently newsworthy. The other people in the cafe are writers and professors and in the media, and the feeling of cohesion and community in that cafe becomes very apparent if someone comes in with a PC. As uniformity in mass-produced goods became the norm andbrand differentiation became possible, so did the need to communicate it. Tobacco company Philip Morris started underwriting cultural institutions and causes as diverse as the Joffrey Ballet, the Smithsonian, environmental awareness, and health concerns. Which of the following statements about advertising is correct? For the theory to work, it does not matter if the other is Democrats, Republicans, frat bros, Mexican people, snobby professors or slacker college students. Politics has also embraced branding. Marlboro sponsored events that brought a great deal of media attention to the brand. The history of the public relations field is often misunderstood. Before entering a managerial role, most public relation practitioners begin their career as a communication technician. Finally, we presume that they will behave in certain ways because of the message and because of our preconceptions about different groups. All audiences are stakeholders (or presumptive stakeholders), but not all stakeholders are audiences. Conversely, dont blow minor incidents out of proportion or allow others to do so. Finally, the two-way symmetrical model argues that the public relations practitioner should serve as a liaison between the organization and key publics, rather than as a persuader. 1. For example, an ad agency that does not typically manage multimillion-dollar television ad buys might still put together hundreds of thousands of dollars in targeted social media ads. While it is true that PR often tries to put a good face on companies with all manner of reputations and harmful business practices, it also serves charities, governmental services and small local businesses. The crisis communication plan should be revised based on any new learnings. Which of the following statements about public relations is not correct? He was concerned about another World War starting between the United States and China. New York, NY 10005-4024. Branding focuses on the lifestyles and values inherent in a brands image as opposed to the products that are manufactured. The purchase decision is ultimately a personal one. Rather than displaying one commercial for several months, the BTL social media campaign might be made up of dozens of targeted videos, tweets, influencer posts and online ads. Actively pursue personal professional development. Interest refers to the somewhat narrower subset of people who are prospective customers. Which of the following statements is true about public The scenarios outlined in the Code provision are actual examples of misconduct. Which statement below correctly summarizes President Nixon's reasons for pursuing friendlier relations with China? Accurately define what public relations activities can accomplish. If you have advocated for a brand and sent people looking for it online, you have probably become part of someones inbound marketing strategy. Colleges send informational brochures to potential students; a company includes an about section on its website. In any emergency situation, it is imperative that a company put the public interest ahead of the organizations interest. For example, PepsiCo owns the Pepsi brand but also Frito Lay, Gatorade and Quaker, among others. Online social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter ensure that firms can get their messages heard directly and quickly. Businesses communicate information to gain desired results. Part 2: Public Relations Writing - Skills and Basics, The Evolving World of Public Relations : Beyond the Press Release. In response, the tobacco industry began using PR techniques to increase brand presence. Much like the Volkswagen ads half a century before, Toyota used a style of self-awareness to market its automobiles. This article from PRSA provides tips to those beginning a career in public relations. This is not to overstate the third-person effect. This phase may also address budgetary restrictions and possibilities. This explains why negative news gets so much more attention than positive news. In this model, accuracy is not important and organizations do not seek audience feedback or conduct audience analysis research.

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which statement about public relations is correct
