
which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?

b. _____ is a business's concern for the long-range welfare of both the company and its relationship to the society within which it operates. Jeremy is most likely an adherent of _____. a. the deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory does not b.) Protecting the fundamental rights of stakeholders A. minimizing the amount of political liberty permitted to each person. E. It fails to consider the idea that actions have multiple consequences. B. cultural relativism. On the line provided, write the past or past participle of the verb in parentheses to complete each of the following sentences correctly. Which of the following statements are true? D. Making sure that key business decisions make good economic sense irrespective of their Research shows that he would observe less ethical misconduct if ________________________. business regulations. Only (ii) is true. Utilitarianists believe that the rightness of an action is identical to c. He will be calculating and self-centered while making decisions and will look for immediate benefits. economic 22. E. It recognizes that actions have multiple consequences. c The deontological theory states that people should adhere to their duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma, while the utilitarian ethical theory is founded on the ability to predict the consequences of an action. d. Corporate social responsibility, 24. Moral relativism theory act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. a. When applying deontological theory to an ethical dilemma, the decision on how to act is based upon weighing the alternatives and then choosing the solution which is the lesser of the perceived evils. Chapter 3: Ethics and Social Responsibility Flashcards | Quizlet E. Informing external stakeholders about the moral intent of a decision, Unit 2: Pre-Colonial America and Colonial Set. Producing the greatest good for the greatest number A. secure contracts that would not otherwise be secured. Which of the following represents a business's concern for society's welfare? Contents. D. protecting multinationals in case they violate fundamental human rights. Such practices violate laws that are widely accepted in developed countries. Consequently, his employees also engage in the same behavior. E. Neon Synergy will follow its home-country standards of ethics at all its foreign locations. b. xZKsG15f/%ydQ8C&J$d)BC*(r,[fI v(OE,\~k^]_Pfny}aY8S2I6slEWx_3}}nO_#\2 /u22odttUpxmX"Ep>{7BT$%[4ZX,J(o-'D$[X |Kkz54?FAj5`_B)PZA#y:-+FFL5f;?y(yf"[@-4La {`s"X8LrocO(f(\%)DTzx@}q '-HtDxv*e E. Pressuring managers to shun the concept of noblesse oblige. b. A. C. maximizing business profits by increasing employee productivity. E. Kantian ethics, Which of the following is a straw man approach to business ethics? c. The deontological theory states that people should adhere to their duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma, while the utilitarian ethical theory is founded on the ability to predict the consequences of an action. E. Wendy, a major buyer of Elephas steel rods, Which of the following terms means standing in the shoes of a stakeholder and asking how a proposed decision might impact that stakeholder? 9+ which of the following is true regarding utilitarian beliefs most b. so that website operators obtain verifiable consent from parents before collecting personal information about children under age thirteen. C. Cultural relativism True 63. A. code of conduct A utilitarian will always keep his promises to a friend and follows the law. A. the Friedman doctrine. b. The utilitarian philosophy for business ethics primarily focuses on: B. b. It is the only moral framework that can be used to justify military force or war. B. oppression of people by totalitarian governments. A. Moral relativism theory D. Assumptions, Identify the final step in the ethical decision-making process? E. reviewing a decision to check for its consistency with Rawls's veil of ignorance. D. Involving in moral imagination b. moral relativism. Both theories advocate benefit for people through the fairest and most just means available. Anything that is legal is ethical. a. a. B. deontological ethics Utilitarianism: Review Quiz | SparkNotes A. This makes Jim a(n) _____ in the company's pollution control policy. d. None of these. A. Your task in this discussion is to summarize the ideas that you have gathered from your . B. A. Facilitating payments are payments to secure contracts that otherwise would not be secured. B. principle-based framework of ethics D. Placing its economic interests before its moral principles The pyramid of corporate social responsibility presents ethical responsibilities as the foundation for the other three responsibilities. Which of the following is detrimental to an ethical business setting? Environmental sustainability False, 12. A -utilitarian compares similar predicted solutions and uses a point system. a. c. A current ethical dilemma should be compared with similar examples and outcomes before deciding on a course of action. B) It reduces productivity and efficiency. Which of the following is a drawback of the utilitarian approach to business ethics? Answers: 2 Show answers Another question on Social Studies. b. Postconventional morality d. Cause-related marketing, 70. D. is generally easy to modify, Which of the following is a traditional approach to corporate culture? b. What does Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights convey? Multiple Choice Self-Quiz - Oxford University Press He will be concerned about how he sees and judges himself over the long run. b. Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism? True B. Egoism is a duty based ethical theory based on the principles of altruism and care for others; 3. d. Ethnocentric morality, 36. A. applying home-country standards of ethics in foreign countries. The best decisions, from a utilitarian perspective, are those that: first principles cannot be proven by reasoning. Rule utilitarianism d. Ethical relativism. C. moral emotions and sentiments. E. believe that social investments made by their companies can always compensate for their unethical actions. Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights implies that it is unethical to employ child labor in sweatshop settings and pay less than subsistence wages, even if that happens to be common practice in some countries. John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Filosofi seminarium, Verklighet & Kunskap. If the project. C. a positivity offset. C. ethnocentrism. However, the firm has been appreciated for abiding by the laws while earning profits. B. righteous moralist. Which of the following are NOT stakeholders in a typical corporation? d. Fewer people will be affected by the negative outcome. B. Asian countries are still under the influence of totalitarianism. b. B. making ethical decisions. c. It results in immediate losses for a company because of its focus on a cause. Which of the following statements is TRUE of utilitarian ethics? b. Aristotelian ethics. 49. D. normative myopia, Missing a highway turn-off as a result of speaking on a cell phone while driving is an example of _____. E. respect the dignity of an individual and the right of employees to freedom of association. Ethics requires that the promotion of human welfare be done: Telling organizations that their ethical responsibilities end with obedience to the law: Which of the following is the first step in making an ethically responsible decision? 61. C. propagating home-country standards of ethics. b. rule utilitarianism C. ethnocentrism. False, 14. C. Cultural relativist D. Naive immoralist E. Righteous moralist. c. It proves that the theory is excessively committed to impartiality. a It is more likely that marketers will recognize that behavior as unethical. Which of the following statements are true about Utilitarianism? a. It C. The business units of Neon Synergy will be empowered to adopt the standards of ethics followed in their respective host nations. It shows that utilitarianism requires immorality. ethics? a U.S. corporations' use of illegal payments and bribes in international business dealings. 11. employment standards. b. Act utilitarianism E. Informing prospective employees about the ethical climate in the organization, Who falls into the category of external stakeholders of an organization? It can lead to consumer cause fatigue. This is in contrast to: d. It applies to top managers of an organization rather than its employees. It is a form of consequentialism. Reliance on personal integrity of employees for decision making situations where one is required and can only carry out 1 course of . c. ethics Which of the following best exemplifies an ethical dilemma? B. In a business setting, which of the following practices is most likely to be considered as unethical? D. Each person should be permitted the maximum amount of basic liberty that is compatible 33. Hence, the company has a zero- tolerance approach toward grease payments irrespective of any of its host nations' perspectives toward such payments. 5.3 Ethical Principles and Responsible Decision-Making competitive disadvantage. d. protection of their interests. D. Ethics of principles is based on consequences, whereas utilitarianism is based on rules. In this context, which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding Neon Synergy? B. identifying the stakeholders c. Laws Ronald Systems Inc. has developed a line of appliances that runs on solar energy and causes no harm to the environment. Ethical dilemma 55. C. Since maximizing long-run profitability is the decision rule that most businesses stress, it should be applied irrespective of whether moral principles are being violated. A. B. D. Unity of command They are standards of appropriate and proper behavior. 2. d. focus on societal expectations. c. Conventional morality Which of the following statements commits the ethical oversight known as normative myopia? B. False, 18. D. just distribution. E. there is unanimous agreement about accepted employment practices. A. However, in countries where such payments are considered as unethical, the company restricts its managers from indulging in such activities. Allowing managers within a company to act in accordance with rights theories b. have an egocentric orientation. c. green marketing The animal rights position of ethics is a(n) position. Group of answer If a sentence is already correct, write C after it. Moral dilemmas refer to Group of answer choices situations where one needs to decide between deontology and utilitarian ethics. (a) Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility. states that an individual's actions should not be constrained by laws Question 13 3 / 3 pts Moral dilemmas refer to. Utilitarianism is concerned with providing for the needs of the minorities. Which of the following statements is true of the utilitarian approach to business ethics? c. A utilitarian is not necessarily concerned with the welfare of others. c. Legal responsibilities A. A. maximize a firm's profit. b. should be limited to a list of dos and don'ts. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an d. Utilitarian ethical theory, 37. It omits the consideration of justice. a. E. inequalities are justified if they benefit the position of the least-advantaged person. Social sciences such as psychology and sociology are different from ethics owing to the fact that they are _____. A. firms can pursue actions that violate fundamental rights in order to maximize profits. D. Monitoring and learning from the outcomes, Which of the following considerations can sometimes override consequences when comparing and weighing alternatives for ethical decision making? d A utilitarian compares similar predicted solutions and uses a point system, 72. a. d. A person at this level is more concerned with how an action will be viewed by others. c. Casuist A. a. Deontological theory It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act. b. c. Economic sustainability marketing a. B. inattentional blindness B. organizational leadership. As the air flowed over the___ side of the boat, the sails filled and our speed increased. b. Postconventional morality The company has recently implemented changes to its pollution control policy that has adversely affected Jim and his family. B. it is unlikely to play any role in determining or influencing the decision making within a firm Write by: . <> C. have greater social costs than benefits. It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be B. set unrealistic performance goals for its employees. Ethical behavior He will be concerned about how people will view his decisions. When making ethical decisions, the more likely an action will result in a harmful outcome, the less likely that marketers will recognize a problem as unethical. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. II. A. help them navigate through difficult ethical dilemmas. It renders utilitarianism incapable of giving concrete advice. C. be highly ethical in its business in a host nation irrespective of the ethical standards Act utilitarianism D. determining the facts of the situation, Which of the following elements is important not only to consider the obvious options with regard to a particular dilemma, but also the much more subtle ones that might not be evident at first glance? She follows the rules of her company mainly to avoid punishment and to gain respect. The animal rights position of ethics is a(n) position. Utilitarianism is primarily concerned with the legal aspects of business decisions. D. Marxism False endobj a It involves the cooperative efforts of a for-profit firm and a nonprofit organization for their mutual benefit. d. The deontological theory states that the truth of a moral judgment is relative to the judging person or group, while the utilitarian ethical theory is a character trait valued as being good. In ethical decision making, managers need not consider the implications of a proposed strategic decision on external stakeholders. a. D. When the stakeholders in the decision cannot be determined, _____ refers to shortsightedness about values. E. repatriation fees. supports the belief that life should be fair E. is easy to implement because of its childlike simplicityANS: C Which of the following statements is true of a utilitarian? Group of answer choices. Role ethics Defining epigenetic literacy: How to integrate epigenetics into the d. Cause-related marketing, 34. Because he did\underline{\color{#c34632}{did}}did his work so well, he got a raise. In this context, the roots of unethical behavior can be traced to: c. It is predominantly characterized by an egocentric viewpoint of an individual. Which model suggests that corporate social responsibility is composed of economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities that are built upon a firm's economic performance? C. They provide benchmarks of desirable societal conditions. B. Sullivan's principles. It is wrong to punish an innocent person, because it violates his rights and is unjust. which of the following is not an ethical principle? B. c. Legal responsibilities C. the attainment of maximum business profits. C. BRIC nations. E. Samantha has to decide whether the annual profits of the company should be distributed to the employees as a salary hike or in the form of non-monetary benefits. B. Egoism 8. PHIL 200 Intro to Ethics Unit 3 (2023) - Tutorials Magnet a. According to the pyramid of corporate social responsibility, which component includes the behavioral aspect of corporate social responsibility, that is being meticulous and trustworthy. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the: C. Employees It states that social responsibility is best carried out by government agencies. Ethics are moral principles unrelated to the conduct of an individual or a group. C. Utilitarianism Justice theories primarily focus on: Moral relativism C. Virtue-based ethics a. A. Virtue ethics D. These cultures are perceived to be more flexible and far-sighted corporate environments. A. Which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true A E. Multinational corporations advocating the concept of noblesse oblige. Hence, the firm has now been able to gain competitive advantage by avoiding costly pollution controls. B. C. particular characteristics such as race, sex, and nationality. A. Which of the following statements are true about Utilitarianism? Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about the Professional and personal interactions depend on ethical behavior. D. ensure a business receives the standard treatment that it ought to receive. with a similar liberty for others. Which of the following is a true statement about norms? The practice of "gift giving" between the parties to a business negotiation is considered right and proper behavior in many Asian cultures. d. virtue ethics, 58. D. people should be treated as means to the ends of others and never purely as ends. A. b Both theories may lead to actions that are not ethically correct. It takes into account the motivation of the doer. a. Deontological theory Later, added sound effects (makes, make) the fight sound realistic to the audience. This declaration provides different sets of fundamental rights and privileges for different cultures. Which of the following statements is true of a utilitarian? Marketing Ch 3 Flashcards | Quizlet D. speed money. A. the righteous moralist. Which of the following refers to the idea that businesspeople should consider the social consequences of economic actions when making business decisions, and that there should be a presumption in favor of decisions that have both good economic and social consequences? D. It overemphasizes the significance of maximization of stockholder wealth. b. Morals A. Altruism D. Normative imagination, Identify the step of the ethical decision-making process that involves predicting the likely, foreseeable, and the possible consequences to all the relevant stakeholders. B. obtain exclusive preferential treatment in a foreign market. a. A customer-based culture When considering ethics in other countries, which of the following statements is true? d. physical sustainability. Utilitarians took into. However, scripts can have specific equirement. *ETHICS. A. utility, virtue, and values. c. A utilitarian is not necessarily concerned with the welfare of others. C. It is ethical to have a zero-tolerance approach toward facilitating payments. d. D. Compliance-based. B. Decisions must benefit the maximum number of people through the fairest and most universally just means available. d. Economic responsibilities, 35. A. considering the available alternatives D. just and fair treatment of a minority. Even in situations when others consider certain actions as unethical, the company allows its managers to pursue such actions if they are permitted in the host nation. D. They consist of guidelines for bringing about positive behavioral change. Shareholders Ethics of principles is based on human rights, whereas utilitarianism is based on self-interest. This has caused many employees to falsify the values of their sales. Which statement about the pyramid of corporate social responsibility is true? B. Ideas d A person at this level is more concerned with how an action will be viewed by others. True b. B. Which of the following straw men approaches to ethics is most likely demonstrated by the manager? True Actions are right or wrong based upon whether they produce happiness or unhappiness b. "The only reason they did not notice the pilferage happening is because it involved the theft of such small quantities of goods over a long period of time." C. opposing ethnocentrism and righteous moralism. Which of the following ethical theories first identifies an ethical dilemma and then draws a comparison with other similar dilemmas and prior experiences to reach the best possible solution? A. Solved 5 5) Which of the following statements is decisive in - Chegg Act utilitarianism The Friedman doctrine C. Cultural relativism Moral relativism theory A person who follows the deontological theory will produce inconsistent decisions because they are be based on the individual's choices. a. Which of the following best describes Utilitarianism? b. d. They set absolute standards for good and bad that are enforced by the law. Which of the following statements is true of rule utilitarianism? Ethics of principles is based on self-interest, whereas utilitarianism is based on human rights. a. B. a sudden change is overlooked by decision makers This strategic move of Taurus Inc. will be considered: Which of the following is most likely to be considered unethical? It also promotes organic farming and helps nonprofit agencies who focus on food and nutrition causes. Hogg was touched by tragedy, and has allowed the trauma to dominate his life. Maverick Stars Inc., a U.S.-based multinational company, applies its home-country standards of employment and production in its manufacturing facilities located in some less-developed host nations. B. stockholder E. Adopting the moral principles specified in the code of ethics of the company, Which of the following is the last step in ethical decision making? a. Which of the following philosophies of ethics holds that people should be treated as ends and never purely as means to the ends of others? C. Ensuring that a fair decision is an impartial decision B. descriptive ignorance Which of the following statements is true of ethics? A. Kantian ethics a. b. Which of the following statements is true about ethical decision making? B. obliging a government official with the expectation of a reciprocal favor. A. Which of the following observations is true of ethics? E. According to this declaration, people do not have a right to join trade unions for the According to our consensus criteria, the ethical implications for humans and other organisms were only recommended for a Vision I perspective by the panel (Table 3). False Philosophical ethics distinguish what people do value from what they should value. B. maximize stockholders' wealth. B. administering simple tests that indicate analytical skills of a prospective employee. Green Quantum is most likely following: Making a decision Which of the following statements is true of morals? A. Milton Friedman B. Leon Sullivan C. Karl Marx Accounting questions and answers. B. He operates at the postconventional level of morality while making ethical decisions. None of the above statements about utilitarianism is true. Solved Which of the following statements is true of a - Chegg d. Act utilitarianism, a Pyramid of corporate social responsibility. a. Rebecca, who has noticed that most of her colleagues often use office supplies for personal use C. cultural relativism. B- utilitarian believes that arson is sometimes ethical and not always wrong. In rule utilitarianism, a person makes ethical decisions that benefit the maximum number of people and is not so concerned about laws. Considering unlimited alternatives E. Multinational corporations moving production to developing countries to exploit their lower c. philanthropy Employees are penalized for any shortfall. 32. C. makes grease payments mandatory in order to obtain exclusive preferential treatment in a A. Deontology B. Principle-based ethics Which of these statements is not true for prima facie obligations? Encouraging leaders to demonstrate strong personal ethics B. demonstrate moral imperialism. What's Wrong With Utilitarianism? | Psychology Today (1) I should get a raise (2) because I complete all my projects prior to the deadline, (3) I arrive at work early and stay late, (4) and I always receive positive comments on my work. d. Both (i) and (ii) are false. Only (i) is true. D. Utilitarian philosophy E. Just distribution, Who asserted that the only social responsibility of business is to increase profits, so long as the company stays within the rules of law? When the responsibility for the decision lies with one person D. Sullivan's principles E. Naive immoralist, Which of the following straw men approaches to business ethics is best summarized by the maxim "When in Rome, do as the Romans"? PDF An Introduction to Business Ethics, 6e (DesJardins) Chapter 2 Ethical the deontological theory compares a current ethical dilemma, while the utilitarian ethical theory is a belief in time-and-place ethics The primary purpose for which managers use a moral compass is to: D. Comparing and weighing alternatives, Which of the following conditions makes ethical issue identification the first step in the ethical decision-making process? C. Selecting the alternative simply because it is the easy way out b. a. C. Gentrification act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. C. Principles C. This reflects that: It is most effective when presented in a long list of dos and don'ts. Green Quantum Inc. has research and production units all across the globe. E. teleological theory. A. bribes. 8.docx - 1. When considering the determinants of a civil C. To treat each person as an end in themselves d. Utilitarian ethical theory. C. Customer-based 62. Some goods are preferable to others. Considering the available alternatives b. A utilitarian believes that arson is sometimes ethical and not always wrong. c. economic sustainability. b. D. A compliance-based culture. d. Stakeholder theory, 44. A theory that tells us which actions are right and which are wrong. Utilitarianism's fundamental insight is that we should decide what to do by: It is more likely that the action will not result in a negative outcome. 5. d. Intuition and personal feelings should guide decision making when faced with ethical dilemmas. B. Utilitarianism b. C. Operating in cultures which score high on masculinity and power distance measures D. Setting realistic, achievable performance goals for employees

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which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?
