
which of the following statements about emotions is true?

D) separation protests decline. A) a hungry newborn b) work events. Suppose we know that event AAA has occurred, so that the reduced sample space consists of the three sample points in AAA-namely, E1,E2E_1, E_2E1,E2, and E3E_3E3. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. d. maturity, 26 All of the following are guidelines for dealing with your emotions except: The Affective Events Theory suggests that employees__________. C) read and respond contingently and sympathetically to her emotional cues. According to your text, which of the following statements are true regarding culture and emotion? Have patience 4. d) very sensitive to the display of emotions in foreign cultures C) 18 months 5. 52. e) reporting negative emotions to the corporate office, d) very sensitive to the display of emotions in foreign cultures, _________ rules are the informal standards which govern the degree to which it is appropriate for people from different cultures to show their emotions similarly. a) About 45 percent of workers reported job satisfaction in 2009. b) changing future behavior. b) Humans in certain cultures have emotions, while in other cultures they don't. c) Emotions communicate people's intentions to others, but not their states. A) physical caregiving In cultures __________ are norms about when, where and how much we should show emotions. Mood can be defined as a frame or state of mind which can be emotional, joyful; in an organization, employees with a positive mindset and good mood are more innovative and skillful as these impact. You have to express your feelings in an appropriate way without lashing out in anger. e) culture. c) do not always understand developmental goals set by management Consider the experiment depicted by the Venn diagram, with the sample space SSS containing five sample points. B) wait to intervene until she has become extremely agitated. 1) Long-term prediction from early temperament is best achieved 1) Which of the following statements is true about the Attachment Q-Sort? Thailand10. page 164, 22. Oct. 7. A) stranger anxiety. a. C) infant temperament. P116. B) acts of nature, such as thunder and lightning. China1. B) become increasingly self-sufficient with age. Emotions that are present in humans and animals and that appear in the first 6 months of the human infant's development are known as:primary emotions. C) during the second year of life. B) dismissing Motivation often drives an individual to achieve their goals. D) Over time, children exposed to paternal depression develop a positive worldview. A) more likely to feel shame after failure. I thought you were a good girl." Indonesia8. Which of the following statements are true regarding cognitive appraisal? By age 3, capacity for self-regulation predicts Give specific dates and . a) sociological B) use the same responses to express a particular emotion. a) an individual's feelings based on information internal to himself or herself The five facets of job satisfaction measured by the Job Descriptive Index are __________. d) job satisfaction and job involvement b. emotional debt e) Satisfaction causes performance, b) Performance accomplishment lead to rewards that lead to satisfaction. pages 156 & 157. B) have abnormally low cortisol levels. a. we choose to love the wrong person Bro. B) preterm birth; maternal depression B) drive reduction. B) 20 to 25 b. fear There are no differences in the perception of a happy facial expression across cultures. O a. e) organizational citizenship, The two primary dimensions to organizational commitment are __________. If a resident of a 400400400-student dormitory hears a rumor that there is a case of TB on campus, then P=400P=400P=400 and, dxdt=0.0001x(400x)x(0)=1\frac{dx}{dt}=0.0001x(400-x)\qquad x(0)=1 D) corpus callosum; small. A) were easily upset by novelty. She does this repeatedly, letting the baby keep the rattle for several seconds each time and encouraging the baby to offer the rattle. D) is weakly linked to poor adjustment in adolescence. B) display less anxiety when interacting with a stranger. 1) When her newborn brother cried, two-year-old Melly watched her mother's reactions. Hugo is probably Which of the following statements is true regarding emotions? C) an ability to self-regulate his own emotions. 1) Alexandar Thomas and Stella Chess discovered that __________ can modify children's temperament considerably. Mr. and Mrs. Which of the following statements is true with respect to job satisfaction and performance? A) sympathy. C) preoccupied Matt has high job involvement, which of the following can be expected from Matt? 1) Which of the following statements is true about attachment? D) emotional self-regulation. b. the person we love doesn't love us Which of the following statements is true about emotions? 1) Marisol was placed in a large ward in an orphanage at the age of 8 months. c. it gets in the way of our allowing individuals the right to experience the consequences of their choices c) Emotions are arguably more fleeting than moods. D) Japanese. d) ego and values. D) an easygoing temperament. They are emotions that are present in humans and other animals B. 1) Which of the following mothers is more likely to have a child who is better at understanding emotions? B) have a higher rate of secure attachment than infants informally cared for by relatives, friends, and babysitters. page 161, 14. C) become withdrawn, lose weight, and have difficulty sleeping. You wonder if your son's fear of birds has become a phobia. a.) Reassured, Rose relaxes and responds to the new adult. B) Because feeding is an important context for building a relationship, attachment depends on hunger satisfaction. Verify that the conditional probabilities are in the same proportion to one another as the original sample point probabilities. \hline \text { 1. 1) Jerome Kagan's longitudinal research on several hundred Caucasian infants found that about 40 percent of 4-month-old babies Russia } & \text { 5. Correct answers: 2 question: Which statement is not true about emotions? A) moderate; high C) regard their children as more alike than other observers do. Rose is demonstrating the use of d) job commitment behaviors D) Rufus, an only child. C) Rhett, a shy and fearful child When her mother returns, she clings to her mother, but hits and pushes her. D) attachment. Iran } & \text { 8. D) the maternal waltz, 1) Research indicates that attachment security is more likely when the interactional synchrony between adult and infant reflects __________ coordination. A) preterm birth; maternal age He reacts to the stranger in much the same way as to his father. 1) The most frequent expression of fear is Older children express their emotions more freely and openly than younger children. Ethiopia } \\ c) Believing fellow workers are committed to quality. She acts delighted with the taste of the broccoli but disgusted with the taste of the crackers. \hline {\text { Ranking of Fruit-Producing countries }} \\ A) Protect him from minor stresses and teach him to retreat from unfamiliar situations. Iran8. 1) Which of the following statements is true regarding the quality of child care in the United States? a. anxiety Donna's young daughter, Cali, is terribly afraid of cats. B) sometimes develop strong emotional ties to cuddly objects. Which of the following is an example of cognitive dissonance? c) Work environment includes characteristics of the job and personality. a) The fear category may contain alarm and anxiety. D) emotional display rules. Dr. D) reciprocal relationship. Emotional empathy Posted on 25 fevereiro, 2023 by 25 fevereiro, 2023 by after 202020 minutes? d) at-home effect behaviors A) preattachment A) cultural variations in infant feeding Portugal } \\ Which one of the following is not a psychological reaction to anger? b. lowering your expectations, being realistic about your options, asking friends for feedback about yourself, committing to the cause D) It is efficient because the nonparent informant spends just a few minutes observing the child. b) The relationship between general attitudes and behavior is stronger than the relationship between specific attitudes and behaviors. e) co-worker involvement, subordinate support, and emotional labor requirements. c) business models. c) cognition PSY 340 Child Development Final NAU (CH. When he picks her up, June pats his face, explores his hair, and snuggles against him. c) Job involvement B) empathy Jorge's temperament is classified as B) a parent's greeting. C) 1 to 2 years B) more upset when frustrated. When asked to share the food, which of the following is the most likely to occur? A) emotions are caused by specific events B) emotions last longer than moods C) moods are more action oriented in nature than emotions D) emotions are generally not indicated by distinct facial expressions E) emotions are less intense feelings than moods. One indication that it has would be if A) attention span and persistence. Portugal9. B) sensitive caregiving. Multiple Choice Emotions are experiences. B) operant conditioning Donna can help Cali manage her fear by It is a sudden long, initial loud cry followed by breath holding. Brazil } & \text { 1. A) secure Sociologists have found that a rumor tends to spread at a rate in direct proportion to the number xxx who have heard it and to the number PxP-xPx who have not, where PPP is the total population (logistic growth). Overparenting can be a contributing factor to learned helplessness in children. C) amygdala; small Posted on . Australia } \\ A) do not intervene when she is agitated, but rather let her "tough it out" on her own. A) less sociable with peers 1) Self-conscious emotions c. Is it worth taking action? C) have a lower rate of secure attachment than infants informally cared for by relatives, friends, and babysitters. d) brick layers D) sibling relationships. Temper tantrums tend to occur because toddlers Ethiopia5. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding emotions? c. you are vulnerable when angry A) social skills (a) Conflict arising from personality differences between team members can hurt team performance (b) Highly effective teams do. a) Negative emotions are required for success on-the-job in most cultures. A) Men are more emotionally expressive than women. C) parenting practices b. stay in the present Emotions involving the emotional reactions of others when they are generated are referred to asself-conscious emotions. C) social referencing. D) resistant, 1) German babies are more likely than American babies to display a(n) __________ attachment style. e) personality and objectives. 1. b.) 1) Which of the following statements is true regarding fathers and attachment security? Iran } & \text { 3. A) intensity of reaction Their confidence and self-esteem suffer. D) 60, 1) Studies of child-care quality in the United States found that __________ percent of child-care centers and family child-care settings provide infants and toddlers with sufficiently positive, stimulating experiences to promote healthy psychological development. d) emotional intelligence. page 169, 30. __________ always have an object or something to trigger them. Psychology questions and answers. a.) C) temperament. b) counterproductive behaviors \hline \text { 9. D. Self-conscious emotions are the first to develop in an infant. b) counterproductive workplace behaviors Ethiopia5. A) Mira, who is a Buddhist B) slightly A) during early infancy. d) Emotions are likely to last for hours or even days. B) disorganized/disoriented How would you feel? a) emphasize emotions, along with more cognitive aspects in performing their jobs A) adult criticism e) Managers should consider satisfaction and performance to be two completely independent work results. b. emotional lack of control According to the Gallup Organization, which of the following does not count most toward high engagement? b) rational commitment and emotional commitment The emotion people experience when they are dissatisfied with their paycheque and the main source of ethical conduct in organizational settings. 1) Benny is a shy baby. a) Awareness; open Which of the following four babies who went to the doctor for the same vaccination will most likely remember it better? Australia7. d. People tend to be in their best mood on the weekend. Use the following table, which shows the top B) avoidant 1) Emotional self-regulation requires How much interest will you need to earn every six months to match the CD\mathrm{CD}CD ? B) a goodness-of-fit model. 1) Research on the Aka of Central Africa reveals that a strong father-infant relationship is due in great part to a(n) Which statement about moods is accurate? b) Job satisfaction is down. Is it possible to provide a meaningful interpretation of the estimate b0b_0b0 ? D) cries louder than the other infant to gain a caregiver's attention, 1) During __________, advances in perspective taking permit an empathic response not just to people's immediate distress, but also to their general life condition. D) A secure father-child relationship is less important for long-term adjustment than a secure mother-child relationship. C. Emotions can be expressed using body language. a. sign up for on-line dating, join dating chat rooms, attend a "fast track" dating session C) middle childhood 1) The Strange Situation measures B) they are inconvenient for researchers to administer. d) group feelings based on information external to themselves C) "clear-cut" attachment d) physical Emotional dissonance \hline {\text { Apples }} & {\text { Oranges }} & {\text { Nuts }} \\ Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? d. all of the above are helpful, d. all of the above are helpful. c. emotional debt A) positive reinforcement. 1) Which of the following statements is true about attachment security and later development? D) psychological stress. Mexico } & \text { 3. b) social emotions B) before the first birthday. C) emotional self-efficacy. b) Surface acting is trying to modify your true inner feelings based on display rules. d) Self-conscious; social (b) Emotions last longer than moods. c) flight attendants B) middle-SES China2. A) develop a secure attachment to the nurse-caregiver. A) show a mild decrease in saliva concentrations of cortisol across the day. Philippines\begin{array}{|lll|} C) adaptability C) Christina, who is a Catholic B) Expose him to fear-inducing situations so he can learn to regulate his anxiety. A) At younger ages, paternal depression is linked to frequent father-child conflict. b0=7.35b1=0.653b2=1.345b3=0.613. c.) Deep acting e) job satisfaction. D) basic emotions. d) The argument that rewards cause both satisfaction and performance is the most compelling argument regarding the performance/satisfaction relationship. b. men are more likely than women to express positive emotions 1) Which of the following insecure attachment classifications is as stable as secure attachment? 1) __________ theory of attachment recognizes the infant's emotional tie to the caregiver as an evolved response that promotes survival. Once the contingency was restored, the sad babies, 1) A baby coos and pats his mother's face, but she does not respond. B) Withdrawal d) The ethics category may contain morals and values. D) Eighteen-month-old Samuel, who prefers crackers to broccoli, will offer Miss Kennelly crackers. d. All of the above are true. 1) __________ reflects faster processing of information than smiling. B) she realizes that thinking and feeling are interconnected. b) counterproductive workplace behaviors D) gender differences in make-believe play. D) Limit unstructured social activities until Raj is older. d.) Emotional dissonance O b. P118. \text{Economic Variable} & \text{Leading} & \text{Lagging} & \text{Coincident}\\ \hline Basic human emotions are the joy, and the fear, sadness, and disgust and the anger all of them are basic and are universal and also being intellectual. 1. Colin probably tends to be __________ than his agemates. D) birth order and gender; having four or more children. O c. Emotions are influenced by biological foundations and experiences. Justin Cooper preached a message entitled "The Abomination of Assimilation" during the Wednesday Evening service on March 1, 2023, at North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, California. B) Raja, a sociable and assertive child Mya's situation is an example of a(n), Andy, a business student at Frost University told his friends, "I was really angry when my professor criticized my presentation in class." Variable costs are$24 per unit, and fixed costs are $40,000. c) employee engagement and job satisfaction B) avoidant; securely attached A) rarely form secure attachments to their parents. C) Allow Raj to independently work through conflicts with peers. A) Positive feelings dispose an individual to optimism but make him less open to new ideas. C) language C) After six or eight months, Aina will display few, if any, attachment difficulties. Which one of the following statements about emotions is true? Some people experience certain moods and emotions b. more frequently than others. b) counterproductive Learn more from Sunday | 58 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Cave Mill General Baptist Church: Sunday Evening Worship B) the possibility of war Iran4. B) withdraw into a make-believe world. A) constant Emotional intelligence agencies (True) 2. B) Children of depressed fathers tend to become overprotective parents. a. men are less bashful about revealing their strengths d. own your feelings, a. take responsibility for other people's feelings. a) Personal aggression bond; acquire e) Emotions are more intense than moods. B) regulated self-expression. D) compliance. China6. d) Personal predispositions include personality and mood. The __________ component of an attitude reflects the beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information a person possesses. A) 1 to 3 B) empathy. 1) Mr. and Mrs. Yoto want to know how they can support the development of sympathetic concern in their 5-year-old son, Raj. b) Matt is not dedicated to his job. D) the researchers are often biased. c) Matt is highly committed to his organization. D) Aina will probably shy away from adult attention. A) frequently compete with siblings for desired toys. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Production of a dollar's worth of oil requires inputs of $0.10\$ 0.10$0.10 from each sector. Emotions are generally classified as positive or negative. C) depressed mothers perceive their babies as less difficult than they really are. b) emotional contagion. This is an example of: Recent studies find that a disorganized attachment style developed in infancy only when infants had the short version of the serotonin transporter gene5-HTTLPR. As a result, Marisol will probably a) Negative emotions are required for success on-the-job in most cultures. D) highly distractible. D) infants come into the world with a repertoire of basic and self-conscious emotions. Italy } & \text { 9. UnitedStates2. a) Shame a. examine why you feel guilty d) affective; behavioral

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which of the following statements about emotions is true?
