
john leary messages 2021

You also accept on faith how I died to redeem sinners, and I was resurrected on the third day to show you how My faithful will also have their souls rejoined with their glorified bodies on the last day. The angel led Tobiah to use the fish oil on Tobits eyes and the salve which allowed Tobiah to strip the cataracts off of Tobits eyes. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, but you have done well in your refuge preparations., Wednesday, June 2, 2021: Your guardian angel will put a shield of invisibility over you as you leave your home for your protection. You can do some fasting and prayers in support of the priest. One of the most important gifts of Mine is your very life existence, but even your people are discarding My babies in abortion as human garbage. There are hackers who can shut your web sites down, or keep you from using the internet. There is no true science behind this order, and it is only control over the people that Biden is pushing. This was a beautiful prayer, and it showed their faith in My protection. Even if you are only suffering a slight pain, offer it up to Me to help save souls, and help the souls in purgatory to come closer to heaven. I also have given you My Good Friday oil and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal that you can use to bless the vaccinated people so they will not die. Wednesday, July 28, 2021: Jesus said: My people, your truthful doctors told you that Covid vaccinated people will be dying within a few years, because of the spike This will become a needed business expense if businesses want to protect their computers. that his wife will be able to carry on with her life amidst this death of her husband. Once you cannot buy food or gas, and they threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to My refuges. There are many people who have been vaccinated without knowing how deadly these vaccines are. I would not destroy these cities if I found ten just people. I will lead you to solve your problems, if you would just Follow Me., Jesus said: My people, in the past Democratic Administrations very little money was increased on your Defense spending. Meanwhile, many people remain hesitant or This is why your killing babies by abortion is such a serious sin against My act of creation. I showed you a vision of dead bodies lying around, who represented the dead vaccinated people. The readings are on the end days that I have given you to proclaim, and to prepare the people to endure the less than 3 years of tribulation of the Antichrist. So call on Me and the Holy Spirit to help you every day to have people understand that they are both body and soul, and made to My image with a free will to choose between heaven or hell. Pray for all couples to get married before they have relations, which is how I planned man and woman to live together., Prayer Group: Trust in Me because I know that you need food, water, and a place to stay. If NATO and America do not come to the aid of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine, then Russia will continue to keep invading countries that used to be part of the old Soviet Union. Pray that the vaccinated people can be healed with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or at My refuges., Jesus said: My people, many of you do not understand how deadly the Covid vaccines are, and you should not take them, or you could die within two years, or when the next virus is released. They are threatening NATO to stand down and not interfere with their expected invasion of the Ukraine. Life is precious, and that is why your abortions of My created unborn babies are an abomination. There is not a lot of tested science to back up the need for Covid shots that do not prevent getting the Covid virus., Jesus said: My people, because Biden appears to be a weak leader, you are seeing Russia and China becoming emboldened to take the Ukraine and China wants Taiwan. Trust in Me to tell you the truth of healing., Jesus said: My people, I know many people use the internet to buy things and communicate. I showed you before when you rewrote one of My messages that you had lost, that it was word for word on the message you found later. mabel king son, larry king. If My believers believe that I can heal them from their vaccination, I will find a way to heal them, even if they need healing before coming to My refuges. I have been wanting you to think of this food storage as food insurance. After a meeting on January 10, 2021, one week after England entered its third national lockdown, Mr Hancock texted about how the plod got their marching orders. Trust in Me to guard My faithful and provide for their needs at My refuges., Tuesday, June 29, 2021: (St. Peter and St. Paul) Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for his soul that may not have been prepared for his death. They each had separate missions, and they fulfilled them well. Your old silos in America have been mostly dismantled. Biden is going along with the one world peoples plan to reduce the population with the mandatory Covid shots. So with your eyes of faith, you know I am Present at My tabernacles, so come and visit your Lord., Later, at the Eternal Father Chapel we were praying before our Adoration DVD. WebBen Passman grew up in Chicago, the son of a seamstress. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful from any wars, cyber attacks, or any aggressors., Jesus said: My people, ransomware is a vicious hacking because computer systems can be paralyzed and money has to be paid to restore any hacked software damage. I love all of my extended family, and I am sorry you could not attend my funeral. The vaccinated people can be healed using the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or by being a believer and getting healed at a refuge. These souls are thankful for remembering them. Refuse to take any Covid shots or flu shots. The 2021 season was a Big Ten-only regular season, but Maryland and Notre Dame met in Notre Dame, IN, in the quarterfinals of the NCAA Tournament. Be ready for these shortages as I asked you to have three months of food stored for such times., Jesus said: My people, you will be fortunate at My refuges to have daily Holy Communion from either a priest at Mass, or My angels will distribute the consecrated Hosts. These evil ones also asked Me to cast them into a herd of swine nearby. Now you are doing your Zoom Conferences. Once they are on their own, they quickly stop their prayers and very few are coming to Confession. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Jesus said: My people, sometimes I enable small miracles for the people to have more faith in Keep your focus more on Me and doing things for Me as much as you can. St. Raphael sent the evil demon back to hell so Tobiah and Sarah could live in peace. Do not let worries, anxieties, or fears affect you because they are from the evil one. Christians need to be joyful all of the time because you can trust in Me. He was a man of authority over his soldiers, so he knew and accepted My authority to heal people. The vaccines cause your bodies to manufacture the spike protein to make the virus. The vaccinated people will be dying in large numbers as time goes on. March 2, 2023. When you do not go along with the one world plans, they will want to kill you, and that is when I will call My people to My refuges. Avoid the big Covid vaccine lie that you will return to normal. I reach out to save souls, and I pray people are listening to My words. When you are struggling with sickness or mental anguish, I want you to unite your suffering with My suffering on the cross. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs., Tuesday, June 1, 2021: (St. Justin) The Gospel today showed you the ten lepers, who I healed from leprosy, but only one came back to thank Me. Candidates needed 10% of the caucus (seven MPs) to nominate. This is a principle that I have made when a country or city is worthy of a punishment for sin. Jesus said: My people, in the first reading from Tobit, you see both Tobit and Sarah praying to Me for help with their problems. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to save you from your sins. Jairus was one of the synagogue rulers, and he had faith that I could heal his dying daughter. You could see a possible increase in your unemployed workers because they will refuse to take the Covid shots and they know how life threatening that the poisonous shots are. Sunday, August 22, 2021 Jesus said: My people, I give you a miracle at every Mass when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. This is a wonderful story of healing cataracts which is a problem today that many people have to have operations to see clearly. This year there are more flu deaths as the health people are pushing flu shots as much as the Covid vaccines. The unborn babies have When you see My Warning come, you will be coming soon to My refuges. Those faithful people will be protected by My angels from any destruction of the Comet. Jesus said: My people, America has been blessed with many gifts because of your faith in Me, and your willingness to help other nations. July 21, 2021 Trust in Me to lead you to My refuges when your lives are threatened., Jesus said: My people, I have warned you about the possibility of the evil ones bringing a worse Covid virus that could cause vaccinated people to die quickly. You have more wood than kerosene, but during the tribulation I will refill your containers of fuel as you need them. Only My believers with a cross on the forehead will be allowed into My refuges. At conception a soul is placed in this new life and this baby has been given a mission specific to the gifts given to this child. Believe in Me and you will be saved., Jesus said: My son, you had a lot of good activities today with your meeting with the priests for dinner and later for your Confession. You will be tested, but in the end I will cast the evil ones into hell. You will be prepared to be like saints, as I will take you to heaven when you die. In the same way, My son, you also immediately said yes to the mission that I called you to. If your heater stops working, you could use your logs in the fireplace to provide most heat for your upper floors. The commentator in your interview asked you how you knew these words are from Me, and you told her how you tested the spirit to see that it is really from Me. They will either follow Me to heaven, or follow the devil and the world to hell. This will be your reward for being faithful to Me during the tribulation. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger., Jesus said: My people, initially you saw how the government was trying to force your employers to have their employees take a Covid shot, or they could be fired. They are even increasing their nuclear weapons to equal yours. I have warned people to avoid taking Covid shots, booster shots, and flu shots because the shots will ruin your immune system, and they do not prevent you from getting the Covid virus sickness. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs., Jesus said: My people, you have been hearing several hacker attacks that have caused long gas lines and some meat shortages. At the end of the Antichrists reign, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, and all of the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell. Give praise and thanks to Me if you are written in the Book of Life for all of those people who will be with Me in heaven for all eternity., Friday, June 25, 2021: You can enter My refuges if you have a cross on your forehead. You cannot take the mark of the beast, or you will lose your soul. There are a good number of red states that are defying Bidens mandatory Covid shots for all workers and even the children. For these reasons I will soon bring My Warning, and My call of My faithful to My refuges. Russia can also threaten the European countries with shutting down their natural gas if they defend the Ukraine. Those people, who believe in My healing power, can be healed by calling on Me to heal them. You may want to have someone help you in the video taping. This is how I will separate My faithful from the non-believers and the demons. Vaccine mandates could ruin your economy, so they should be rejected. The Pharisees asked Me why I am eating dinner with tax collectors, and I told them the sick need a physician and not the self-righteous. I am the Great Healer, and I call My faithful to follow Me through all of lifes adversities. Jesus said: My son, you just went on your fifth trip and the tenth exorcism session by a priest over a young man at Buffalo, N.Y. You heard some loud sounds from the demon at this exorcism. You saw in other readings how I could not heal the people in My hometown of Nazareth because they lacked faith in My healing power. Saturday,February 25,2023: (Bishops Mass for Eucharistic retreat) Jesus said: My son, you are being graced to see Me in My Real Presence in a consecrated Host. For nothing is impossible for Me. The lesson is that when you pray to Me and believe that I can heal you, you will see your prayers answered in My way. Jesus said: My people, I have created everything, and you are witnessing My great creation in every day of your life. Be ready when I call My people to My refuges., Saturday, November 27, 2021: You will face your life review, a mini-judgment, and a taste of your present destination. I told the people that I had not seen such faith in all of Israel. Time is one of My precious gifts to all of you, but it is how you can use time wisely for your most benefit that will give you the most reward for your actions. You will see Me soon in My coming Warning, so have your soul prepared with frequent Confession. Because of this forced control, and desire by some to reduce the population, I will soon be calling My faithful to the safety of My refuges, as your lives are being threatened. I cast out the demons from the men, and their number was about two thousand. Jesus said: My people, I told St. Andrew and St. Peter that I would make them fishers of men instead of catching fish. You have a chance to meet some new people who have not heard your talk. You have not had many occasions to give talks because of your Covid restrictions. You are in the middle of a communist takeover, and you do not even realize it. Keep praying for your friends and relatives to recover from their sicknesses. But if a man hears My word and does not act on them, then he will be like one who built his house on sand. This vision is even more dramatic as you again are seeing dead bodies, but now you are seeing many bodies being thrown into a huge crematorium, and they were burned up. This is the same faith in My power that will be necessary for Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges. The one world people have a goal to reduce the population of the world from seven billion down to five hundred million people. This is not being made public, but some people are speaking out of such deaths. There is no marriage in heaven because the souls are like angels who constantly adore Me. Many of you may have wished to be with Me when I was on the earth, but you do have Me in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. Your life is here today and gone tomorrow, meaning that your life is but a few years amidst eternity. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, April 20, 2021 Jesus said: My people, St. Stephen was brave to his death by stoning, and he stayed true to his faith in I want you to quote my Magnificat which is read at your night prayers. Pray for all of your family and friends to become believers in Me during the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, or they could die and go to hell. It is true that you need an antivirus program to protect yourself from certain computer viruses. It is this same strength of faith that I want all of My faithful to have all of the time, so you are confident that I can lead you through life to heaven. More information is coming out about your health leaders that they have been lying to you about the need for masks, and lies that you need the Covid shot which you should not take. Trust in Me to heal and protect My faithful from those people who want to force this deadly vaccine on everyone., Jesus said: My people, you will see more water shortages in various parts of your country, especially in the West during the summer. Prepare your spiritual lives with prayers, Mass, and frequent Confession. As COVID-19 continues to spread, public health experts state that inoculations are imperative to help end the pandemic. When I met Elizabeth, St. John the Baptist leapt in his mothers womb, as he would prepare the way for my Son, Jesus. Skilled in Rail Construction, Rail Maintaince, Earthworks, Quantity You are hearing of young adults dying without explanation. Trust in Me to guide you and protect you from any demonic influence., Tuesday, September 7, 2021: WebThe 2021 Triple J Hottest 100 was announced on 22 January 2022. Strive to protect My gift of life at all ages., Jesus said: My people, it is good to have your families share your lives together. Know that I will see to your needs because I love all of you., Jesus said: My son, when you were preparing your refuge, I mentioned that you should have two fuels for heating your house in the winter. You, My son, witnessed another exorcism of a young man yesterday. Michel also does not advocate for survivalism (he has only Many of My refuges have stored these things, but you may need Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels so all of your people would have what they need to survive., Thursday, July 1, 2021: (St. Junipero Serra) Here are more recommendations: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell Tim Russell, managing partner, The Tolan Group. It is unfortunate that you see fewer young adults who are no longer coming to Sunday Mass. On the way a woman suffering from hemorrhages also had faith in My healing, so she touched My clothes, and she was instantly healed. If your power went out, your solar batteries would work for a while to keep your heater working. Then when the wind and floods came, his house was totally ruined. These shots should be optional and not forced on people to threaten their jobs. You need to continue praying for all of your family members that they will be saved at My Warning, because the faith is lacking. This is why the relics of St. Peter and St. Paul had more effect on the demons because My saints of the Church had authority over the demons by My power to cast out demons., Jesus said: My people, there are some people who desire to own rich looking things, as gold necklaces. The unborn babies have every right to live as much as those people after birth. New Messages To Prophet John Leary Through September 22, 2021. He had faith in My healing power, so I healed him of his blindness. These Covid shots are ruining your immune system, so when this deadly new virus comes, people will be dying all over. All of My Blessed Mothers people are close to our two hearts in praying your rosaries and wearing the brown scapular.

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john leary messages 2021
