
which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true?

For each item, answer the following questions. votes. It is used to establish a political advantage for a party or group by manipulating boundaries of electoral districts It is generally favored by Republicans and . Which of the following is the most important influence on the choice made by voters? Which of the following statements is NOT true about redistricting? According to their proponents which of the following proposals would increase voter turn out? What are some common language disorders in children who are deaf and hard of hearing? c. Only Democrats have been guilty of gerrymandering. (A) a White House budget resolution (A) simple majority vote in the Senate only 45-64 59%/31% 75%/9% The two partners, Jason and Richard, are thinking of adding a third partner to their business, and they have several questions regarding the use of GAAP for their partnership. D Gerrymandering is the drawing of voting district boundaries to achieve an electoral result that benefits the drawer. Which of the following is a result of the electoral college system? (A) Recognition of the centrality of political parties in government (B) due process of law True or False: Matching grants encourage greater spending by states than do block grants. Each party might expect to see wins in a mix of strongly partisan . (D) They are now unconstitutional. (E) It is subject to approval by a congressional committee. f(x)=5x612. "In a (B) "separate but equal" doctrine it guaranteed that admission of new states would be balanced between slave and free. Changes in the US population, which census figures reflect, impact American culture and our political system. (B) Political equality (B) Money given to individuals in the form of tax rebates Which of the following are included among Congress's enumerated powers? (D) It guarantees greater constituency . Which of the following is true regarding gerrymandering? The legislature was divided by partisan bickering before the 1980s, but the conflict has decreased steadily since then. (A) conducts trials by jury The awarding of government jobs to political supporters is called. (C) upheld laws allowing for the internment of ethnic groups during wartime (C) bicameralism (B) Conflicts between states It is the role government actors play in redrawing voting districts to benefit a certain candidate or group. (B) Coverage of political events has gotten more liberal over time. (A) It has been banned by United States Supreme Court decisions beginning with Baker v. Carr. Make a list of three things you or your family purchased in the last year. (D) networks of congressional committees, bureaucratic agencies, and interest groups that strongly influence the policy process The US is expected to have a "minority majority" population by 2050. (E) It is the belief that politicians must keep the electorate well-informed if they are to govern efficiently. indirectly, through the electoral college. (D) It is the belief that one can make a difference in politics by expressing an opinion and acting politically. (C) Serving as the chief executive officer of the Department of Justice It was used traditionally to maintain urban control of the House of Representatives. (E) targeted to benefit residents of specific congressional districts, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) was a significant Supreme Court ruling because it (C) It has been a major instrument for increasing the number of African American and other minority 9th - 12th grade. (A) The Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee (E) necessary and proper clause, Which of the following is a fundamental element of the United States Constitution? It has been banned by United States Supreme Court decisions starting with Baker v. Carr, briefly explain 5solution to the problems of modern scienc e and technology , Local development proposal plays vitle role in development of local level justify this statement in four points, Negative and positive aspects of transition of school and post school. (C) United States Supreme Court (B) governments communicate with each other Which of the following is true of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 ? Because immigrant couples tend to have more children than native couples and so require more education spending. (B) They serve as long as the appointing president stays in power. Since the early 1980s, the Republican Party platform has been increasingly influenced by Why is it that states and localities tend to bear a bigger financial burden from immigration, as compared to the federal government? What does this mean? (D) Freedom of religion In the end, the Supreme Court decided, 5-4, that the question of partisan gerrymandering was a political one that must be resolved by the elected branches of government, and not a legal question . (D) dual federalism United Airlines desires to lease this aircraft from Boeing. (B) is part of the president's legislative package (C) Men's greater political participation Which of the following is generally true of the gerrymandering of congressional districts? In general, the power of the president has decreased considerably over time. What percentage of those surveyed by the Pew Research Center believe that government is dominated by a few big interests? These are just the multiple choice questions from Tophat and their answers. (E) the Office of Management and Budget, Nominations to the Supreme Court must be approved by a Q. Owing to their localized geography or their locations on islands or peninsulas, many small political entities such as those labeled on the political map of the world can be identified as. Members of the House of Representatives. (E) Elimination of the seniority rule in Congress, In Plessy v. Ferguson, the United States Supreme Court ruled that state-imposed racial segregation is constitutional, based on the c. He or she refers all bills to standing committees. (B) legislative oversight Which of the following statements about the Senate is true? (D) more likely to register as independent Political socialization is the process by which by a small group of party leaders in the state legislature. Federal budget entitlements refer to spending Which of the following is true concerning redistricting in the House of Representatives? Which of the following best describes the difference between an open and closed primary? Use your browser's back button to return to your test results. (The two partners feel this is an unnecessary cost because an unpaid supplier will simply send another bill in the future.). (C) public attitudes toward government are measured and reported 20184015. multi-state nations. Which of the following statements about immigration in the United States is true? outside of a major cabinet department; within a specific policy area, Presidents and Vice Presidents are elected. -the tactic of gerrymandering is used to create districts to the advantage of one political party or another. (C) It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible. 4. Question: Answer the following 8 questions. All of the following are ways that the legislative branch can check the powers of the executive branch EXCEPT: In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court established which of the following principles? colonial territories. Which of the following is not true regarding the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives? Gerrymandering -- drawing political boundaries to give your party a numeric advantage over an opposing party -- is a difficult process to explain. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts . Because the . Which of the following is the most likely consequence of divided government? (B) International Relations SB 3 financial analysis - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Supreme Court justices (B) Small republics are better able to ensure individual liberty than are large republics. (B) Political parties represent broad arrays of issues, whereas interest groups are more likely to focus on the ultimate decision maker in military matters. The constitution states that whichever political party has the most seats will control Congress. Which of the following may be justified as a means to discourage undesirable preferences? -the term originates with tactics used by a governor of Massachusetts named Gerry. Which of the following is true of most federal judges appointed by the president? Generally, there is less controversy when the Supreme Court overturns a federal law as opposed to a state law. A 20% rate of return is required on all investments. (D) Age discrimination Gerrymandering is not possible when the population of every district is equal. The company realizes a contribution margin of$1 .50 per box. (A) First Amendment Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? Which of the following is true of political action committees (PACs)? 20. (E) It violates the principle of one-person, one vote. (D) The Senate may refuse to approve a presidential appointment. 2. The manufacturer estimates that the machine would be usable for five years but would require the replacement of several key parts at the end of the third year. (D) They effectively control the presidential campaigns. the committee member of the majority party with the longest continuous service normally becomes the committee chairperson. The Constitution and its amendments expressly prohibit all of the following EXCEPT: In vetoing a bill, the president does which of the following? (A) civil rights agencies (A) It has increased the importance of state party organizations. was ruled nonjusticiable by the Supreme Court in 2020 (C) Females may not be executed. The number of federal government employees has. (E) group of presidential advisers who formulate the President's foreign policy agenda. way. (D) devolution (A) registration requirements (B) dominance of corporate power in setting the national policy agenda for economic expansion (D) Emphasis on a unitary system of government He or she is selected by direct popular vote in a general election. (E) a federal mandate. The Sweetwater Candy Company would like to buy a new machine that would automatically "dip" chocolates. a. (D) The Majority Whip of the House (D) Presidential endorsement The power to ensure that the law is properly carried out. (E) affirmative action, Which of the following is the best example of a categorical grant? incumbents are reelected to Congress more than 75% of the time. (B) The Senate, unlike the House, has a Rules Committee. Which of the following describes a fundamental difference between political parties and interest groups? Which of the following statements about writs of certiorari is accurate? (D) separation of powers on the Supreme Court. must be from the majority party in the House. Considering all elections at all levels of government, which of the following best describes electoral behavior in the United States? leaders of bureaucracies seek expanded budgets and larger staffs. (B) It was used traditionally to maintain urban control of the House of Representatives. Of the following, which is the most powerful figure in Congress? rmayfield. (E) They may operate at the state level but not at the national level. (A) become more focused on individual candidates Which of the following is argued by James Madison in The Federalist paper No. How is a president chosen when none of the candidates receives a majority of the electoral college vote ? Why are young voters less likely to be registered to vote? The following quotation is from an article in Smithsonian Magazine. The power of the federal courts to declare laws unconstitutional. 9m2+7000cm2. 2. Refer to the figure above. (C) Government-subsidized housing programs (E) low voter turnout in most elections, Both Gitlow v. New York and New York Times v. Sullivan are United States Supreme Court cases that dealt with which of the following amendments to the United States Constitution? It occurs when the President takes no action on a bill for ten days during which Congress is adjourned. AP Government: Chapter 14 (The Judiciary), Spanish 3: Asking for and Giving Directions +, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Why should the partners and the partnership fully analyze all the partnership's liabilities to ensure that there are no unrecognized liabilities when a new partner is admitted? (E) Candidates must seek the approval of the party organization to run in a closed primary, but anyone Social Studies. (E) Dwight Eisenhower's deployment of troops to Arkansas. (A) George H. W. Bush's appointment of Clarence Thomas The parties contemplate the following alternatives for structuring the lease. (D) networks of congressional committees, bureaucratic agencies, and interest groups that strongly (c ) The third ionization energy of Fe is Ei3_{i3}i3 = +2952 kJ/mol. WANG: Note that even without gerrymandering, there is a basic cause of low competition in US politics: geographic clustering of voters, which makes it hard to draw competitive districts in most . which of the following constitutional principles most directly addresses the relationship between the national and state govs All of the following are true regarding states EXCEPT. (C) They serve for life on good behavior unless removed by the president. Which of the following is an example of devolution? All of the following statements are true about gerrymandering except. Which of the following is true about the pocket veto? (E) By prohibitions on negative advertising. AP Government Practice - Congress. (A) Congress may remove the president through its impeachment and conviction powers. Which of the following statements represents the view of the proponents of racial gerrymandering? In the case of gerrymandering, the t-test can determine how similar the winning vote shares are for the districts won by Democrats to those for districts won by Republicans. That number is determined by: Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer. Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? Stops a filibuster by determining an end to debate. (D) The federal government must make regulations that can be applied across every state in the same What did the Court hold in Wickard v. Filburn? Required Growth of a minority-majority population. (B) By establishment of federal agencies to regulate campaign finance activities (B) made it illegal for members of the Communist party to be schoolteachers . The Commerce Clause has been a source for the major expansion of federal power in the last 100 years. (B) simple majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate Districts are usually drawn to protect incumbents and make their seats "safe" from challengers, so eliminate (A). What did the Court say about executive privilege in the Supreme Court case U.S. v. Nixon? Delaware declares that a new federal law setting new testing requirement for elementary students will not be enforced in the state. D & M Company uses the following accounts. All of the following are TRUE regarding "Gerrymandering" EXCEPT: Question options: ious origin more polarized politics populated by a majority of people of African American descent would be Gerrymandering iding concentrations of a particular group between Congressional districts (D) Political parties tend to have strength in particular regions. right to vote. (E) become more likely to rely on print media for information, The process of extending the protections of the Bill of Rights by means of the Fourteenth Amendment to apply to the actions of state governments is known as Imagine that a bill is up for a vote in the House and a Representative knows that their constituents favor the bill, but the Representative believes that the bill would be bad for her constituents. Reapportionment of seats in the House of Representatives occurs. (C) federal supremacy After five years, the machine could be sold for $7.500. cannot be sued and is not subject to any other legal action. (B) Serving as a liaison between the president and the Supreme Court (C) the single-member district electoral system Delegates to both of the national party conventions are: Wealthier and better educated than most Americans, Decrease the role of the states in selecting the president, The electoral college was modified by the _____________ amendment. autonomous republics. (D) federalism (E) Political parties are required to disclose their campaign finance activities, whereas interest groups are not. b. (E) Separate and largely independent party organizations exist at national, state and local levels. (E) The Senate may refuse to approve a treaty negotiated by the president. (A) No person may be denied the right to vote merely for lack of either state or federal citizenship. Voting rights for free adult native-born males, Match each example with the relevant justification for government action. *, A temporary law that Congress passes when an appropriations bill has not been decided by the beginning of the fiscal year is a(n). (B) Everyone must go to school at least until the age of 16. Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? Gerrymandering is the political manipulation of electoral district boundaries with the goal of giving one party an unfair advantage. Article. Explain why promotion is an important marketing function. Which of the following is generally true of the gerrymandering of congressional districts? It creates districts that favor one political party over another, Congressional district boundaries are redrawn every ten years by the. b. A final possible cause for polarization is the increasing sophistication of gerrymandering, or the manipulation of legislative districts in an attempt to favor a particular candidate (Figure 9.18). Other. (b) What are the n and l quantum numbers of the electron removed on going from Fe2+^{2+}2+ to Fe3+^{3+}3+? The U.S. Iron is commonly found as Fe, Fe2+^{2+}2+, and Fe3+^{3+}3+. As with all other powers, the taxing power must be used in accord with all other provisions of the constitution." Which one of the following is an example of a tax that would violate the constitution? (B) sponsoring issue advocacy ads (C) interrelationship among federal, state, and local levels of government in the policy process (D) The Supreme Court does not grant certiorari to cases involving state laws. When independent regulatory agencies make rules, enforce those rules, and adjudicate disputes arising under those rules, they risk violating the constitutional concept of If a television costs $498.15\$ 498.15$498.15 and was marked up $300\$ 300$300, what is the selling price? (A) testifying before congressional committees (B) They are applied to bills that failed in the previous session of Congress. the term originates with tactics used by a governor of Massachusetts named Gerry. The people whom a legislator represents and spends considerable time and effort serving are called. Sylvia wants to go on a cruise around the world in 5 years. (C) dual federalism . Q. The population of the average US citizen is getting older. (A) "clear and present danger" doctrine College graduate are more likely to vote than those who have at most a high school diploma. (D) privileges and immunities clause (A) It is used to strike down a provision of a bill that the President finds disagreeable. According to the video, what is executive power? A Democrat congressperson survives the next election even after her district became more Republican. (A) Voters must pay a poii tax to vote in a closed primary, but not in an open primary. Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? (B) the separation of powers Opinions on Affirmative Action for Women (C) Money given to states unconditionally (E) does not follow the principle of stare decisis, The differences shown in the table demonstrate which of the following? In politics, gerrymandering occurs when someone or a group of people do something to . The difference between an appellate court and a district court is that an appellate court c. stage 3 and stage 4 -the tactic of gerrymandering has been used for racial discrimination. Congress could regulate the growing of wheat by a farmer on his own land. (C) The election is ruled null and void and Congress appoints a new president. The Supreme Court's 2019 decision in Rucho v. Common Cause greenlighting partisan gerrymandering has made things worse. The term was used after Governor Elbridge Gerry redisrcited Massachusetts in 1812. (D) They are used by senators to end a filibuster and bring a bill to a vote. Module 8 question 2 Consider the following statement: ANCSA was a fair settlement for Alaska Natives. The federal government assigns authority to the states for regulating emissions from oil refineries. (A) Money given to states for special education programs (B) Second Amendment (C) broad construction (A) Providing legal advice for the president and cabinet secretaries (A) Agriculture While the Supreme Court has placed restrictions on the use of gerrymandering (e.g., districts must be contiguous and must not be racially biased) it has allowed bipartisan gerrymandering; eliminate (C). (E) They serve for life and are not subject to congressional impeachment. (E) using the franking privilege, Chapter 5- Leadership and Organization of Con, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Pathology Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary. domestic policy Compared to the general population, delegates to presidential nomination conventions are The role Congress plays in ensuring that executive branch agencies are carrying out their legislated responsibilities is known as. All of the following statements are TRUE EXCEPT: answer choices. (A) dissatisfaction over safeguards of individual rights and liberties Compute the new machine's net present value. (C) laws protecting voting rights for minorities a. . the tactic of gerrymandering is used to create districts to the advantage of one political party or another. A. (C) Economic equality (B) horizontal federalism (C) It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible. (A) Political efficacy (E) Conducting ethics investigations of congressional leadership. (D) It reinforces the philosophy of judicial activism. Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? (D) Emphasizes state sovereignty over national sovereignty. (C) They are used exclusively by conservative interest groups. (C) two-thirds vote in the House of Representatives only When did it become common for the national government to actively manage the overall economy? (E) Occupation. Article II = President/Executive (C) become more influenced by party platforms (C) Delays in confirmation of federal court nominees This is true regardless of whether it is Democrats or Republicans drawing the maps. a) Was the price of the product clear and easy to identify? The census is used to reapportion seats in which of the following? federal states. (B) No person 18 or older may be denied the right to vote on account of age. (E) more ideological. Candidates focus on the states with the largest populations. When the industry that is being regulated gains control over the agency that is supposed to regulate it, the process is called, President Lincoln's suspension of civil liberties at the beginning of the Civil War and the calling into service of the state militias in order to preserve the Union are examples of the use of, In most states, congressional district lines are drawn. Question 9. Which of the following best explains why delegates to both the republican and democratic conventions in 1996 were much more likely to have college and postgraduate degrees than was the rest of the voting population? (E) two-thirds vote in the House of Representatives and the Senate and a majority of the sitting justices The advantages of incumbency in congressional elections include which of the following? In the House, federal law requires that there is always a total of 435 seats (with each seat representing one district). (A) an unfunded mandate (E) group of presidential advisers who formulate the President's foreign policy agenda, One reason for the persistence of a two-party system in the United States is an attempt to prevent the passage of a bill through the use of unlimited debate. One major focus of the Barack Obama presidential campaign was Voting for candidates from different parties in an election, Varies widely in size, but has been present in most recent elections, A primary election that is held to choose a party's candidate and that allows those registered with the party and independents to vote is called a/n. In the organization of government, the principle of federalism is illustrated best by the. Explain in light of the electron configuration of hydrogen. 11th - 12th grade. (D) The Senate has a strict time limit on debates. narrow sets of issues. After the vice president, next in the line of succession is _____________, followed by _____________. (E) children are trained for successful occupations. b. He or she may appoint all committee chairs. (C) Thomas Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? (A) They serve ten-year terms. may be a candidate in an open primary. (D) Rules Which of the following is an example of congressional oversight? Prepare a memo for the partners addressing the question below. The clerk set up accounts in the names of the fictitious companies and cashed the checks at a local bank. while independents and others may be eligible to vote in open primaries. (A) Political efficacy These parts would cost$9.000, including installation. 1. b. stage 2 The belief that bureaucracies have no competitors and no reason to make themselves more efficient best describes the __________ of bureaucracy, while the __________ predicts that bureaucrats will try to "sell" their services by appealing to both Congress and public opinion. (B) Government must have cooperation from the people in order to make legislative decisions. Redistricting is handled by the legislatures in each of the states. Local favourite Greg Marshall - backed by figures from a wide spectrum of the party - tweeted news that the party The true statement about gerrymandering is c. It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible.. What is gerrymandering? This is also a problem because of how contentious the topic of politics is in and of itself; people will go so far as to declare war on an individual for their actions. (B) weak party affiliation (C) lobbying federal agencies Which of the following is true about the pocket veto? -raising an army and establishing courts. (C) affirmative action (A) state supremacy Which of the following is true About raiding? All of the following statements are true about gerrymandering except the issue of gerrymandering has been resolved.

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which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true?
