
uss new jersey crew list 1945

The U.S.S. According to another Commandant, she had a tremendous psychological effect on enemy troops: nobody ever stood up to the New Jersey. For six months, the New Jersey supported the beleaguered Marines in Lebanon with the unrivaled visible symbol of enormous power represented by the battleship, and with the shells of her powerful 16-inch and rapid-fire 5-inch guns. At Pearl Harbor, the New Jerseys flag quarters were enlarged and updated to be the best in the fleet.. members belong to the USS New Jersey Historical Museum Society. The weather was unsettled, but on the New Jersey the barometer was normal and Halseys aerologist, a weather expert, did not think it would worsen. AC. Meanwhile, USS New Jersey was again celebrated in fiction, now by best-selling author Tom Clancy. On December 14, 1983, USS New Jersey was finally allowed to retaliate the first 16-inch shells fired in anger since her service in Vietnam in 1969. She has a mean draught of 28 feet, 11 inches at a hull load of 45,000 tons, and a full load draught of 37 feet, 9 inches when at a full displacement of 57,540 tons. At Guam, Admirals Nimitz and Spruance conferred about the planned invasion of Japans Home Islands. USS New Jersey was in active service for over 21.5 years 2.5 years more than Iowa, 5 years more than Missouri, and 8.5 years more than Wisconsin. This database contains U.S. Navy muster rolls and associated reports of changes for U.S. Navy enlisted personnel who served on U.S. Navy ships or in other naval activities between 31 January 1938 and 31 December 1949. She thus helped apply pressure on the Communist negotiators at Panmunjom. The Navy's ranks totaled 126,418 in September 1939. Halsey muttered on the New Jerseys flag bridge: When I get my teeth into something, I hate to let go. Instead, he ordered the New Jersey and Task Force 34 to speed north towards Ozawas carriers, while ordering Admiral John S. McCain Sr.s distant carrier group to launch long-range airstrikes to aid Taffy 3. The generated steam supplied four sets of Westinghouse geared, double reduction turbines to provide an output shaft horsepower to the four propeller shafts totaling 212,000 horsepower, with the shafts turning up to 202 RPM. Search for a command's Crew List| Nonetheless, the Battle for Leyte Gulf was a smashing American victory, and one of the most decisive naval battles in World War II. Wryly called CripDiv and BaitDiv, the slowly creeping ships did attract waves of Japanese planes and a Japanese cruiser force, but the force retreated when they discovered Third Fleet was otherwise intact. BB-62 - USS New Jersey - Booklet of General Plans, 1984, Iowa Class, bb62.pdf (10 MB PDF) . The armor was designed to give a zone of immunity against fire from 16-inch/45-caliber guns at ranges of between 18,000 and 30,000 yards and is impenetrable by smaller guns. She had a maximum waterline beam of 108 feet, 2 inches, able to fit through the Panama Canal with barely a foot to spare on either side. On 12 June 1944, a new Gearing -class destroyer, USS Chevalier (DD 805) was laid downlike the 451, the third ship of her class from Bath Iron Works. Speeding north in USS New Jersey, Admiral Halsey did not receive Kinkaids 0707 message until 0822. Constructing the New Jersey in Pennsylvania also bolstered support for Roosevelt in the November 1940 election, when he won his historic third term and Charles Edison became Governor of New Jersey. She rejoined the fast carriers on October 27, 1944. These frames and spacings along with the many other bulkheads provide the ship with approximately 1,100 individual compartments. On February 4, 1944, at the newly seized base on Majuro, USS New Jersey became the flagship of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance. USS New Jersey steamed 200,000 miles during the war. The 5-inch guns were in ten twin-mount turrets: five each were on the port and starboard beam. This was the largest amphibious operation in the Pacific and proved to be the final amphibious operation of the war. The work to recommission the New Jersey was performed in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard where she had been built. Add to Mailing List. Expert researcher and WWII historian Bill Beigel will conduct a thorough search of deck logs, squadron after action reports, and other records, concerning units and individuals who served in the Navy in World War II. Moreover, Iowa had suffered a catastrophic explosion while firing its 16-inch guns in April 1989. She carried three Tomahawk versions: land attack with nuclear warheads, land attack with conventional warheads, and anti-ship with conventional warheads. USS New Jersey is an Iowa-class battleship the ultimate battleships, and the epitome of the gun-armed ships of the line that ruled the sea for almost three centuries. Meanwhile, USS New Jersey led Iowa, two cruisers, and four destroyers in a sweep around Truk to engage Japanese vessels attempting to escape. After the New Jerseys float plane spotted fleeing Japanese ships 25 miles away, the New Jersey raced towards them, avoiding enemy torpedoes and fighting off enemy aircraft. This made her the only American battleship ever commissioned by a sitting president. On January 28, 1946, USS New Jersey yielded her role as flagship of the Fifth Fleet and the Japanese occupation. A group of Soviet surface ships, led by Kirov, heads for the East Coast but is confronted by a battle group led by the New Jersey. The cover is a little worn ie. USS New Jersey continued steaming on the summer cruise for 700 midshipmen. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 11th of April please use the following link and you will find the details and all events of this day in the following you will find some of the events. 1982 Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape Communicator 4.61 or newer. Launched on the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor, she fought in World War II, was the first battleship reactivated for the Korean War, the only battleship to serve in the Vietnam War, and the first battleship reactivated to end the Cold War. Admiral Nimitz, General MacArthur, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff accepted his recommendation. She provided firepower for freedom, and now a monument to freedom for all. shipmates. Japan committed to the attack all its modern battleships, including for the first time its treaty-busting battleships, Yamato and Musashi, with displacement exceeding 64,000 tons and 18.1-inch guns both the largest ever for a battleship. Fleets of these battleships fought each other in climactic battles that determined the outcomes of the Spanish-American War and the Russo-Japanese War. Signed up the help maintain this historic ship after retiring from the IBM Corporation. Admiral Halsey and USS New Jersey led the Third Fleet carriers to strike the Palau Islands in support of the Marines bloody invasion of Peleliu on September 15. The New Jersey promptly pitched in on May 19, shelling Kansong just above the Parallel to interdict enemy supplies. Unfortunately, a foe appeared on June 25, 1950, when North Korean forces blitzed across the 38th Parallel into South Korea. Without the 20mm and 40mm antiaircraft guns, USS New Jersey was crewed by less than 60% of her World War II compliment. The New Jersey was awesome. Keefer gets scared, telling Maryk: Cant you feel the real difference between the New Jersey and the Caine? Two were stored on the catapults located aft near the stern and one was stored on the aft deck. She has been designated as the State Ship of New Jersey, and is a member of the international Historic Naval Ship Association. The Marianas were over 1,000 miles from the nearest American airbase on newly captured Eniwetok, so the carriers escorted by the New Jersey would have to supply all the air support. During that solemn ceremony, her last commanding officer . By using the list of officers in the deck logs and the muster rolls, one can compile a list of the crew. 4 Jul 1945 : USS New Jersey departed Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. The escort carriers planes relentlessly attacked Japans armored behemoths with whatever weapons they had, including depth charges, small bombs, rockets, and machine gun bullets. With an airstrike scheduled for December 19, Halsey ordered the fleet to refuel at sea on December 17. On January 18, 1946, the New Jersey became the flagship of Admiral Frederick C. Sherman, who had commanded carriers in battles from Coral Sea to Leyte Gulf. USS New Jersey sailed from Bremerton on June 30, 1945. The modernization required to bring USS New Jersey in line with the technology of the 1980s was more expensive and extensive than her two prior recommissionings. Volunteers swarmed over the ship in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard where she was built. Records of Naval Operating Forces: Logbook of the USS Missouri (Record Group 313) Dates: 1945 The collection consists of the logbook, or "deck log" of the USS Missouri during the calendar year of 1945, which includes lists of officers, reports on positions and weather conditions, references to combat, and other information. On October 6, 1944, using a typhoon as cover, Admiral Halsey in USS New Jersey led five other battleships, nine fleet carriers, eight light carriers, fourteen cruisers, and fifty-eight destroyers straight into Japans inner line of defenses to clear the way for the Leyte landings. To buy tickets, visit On Aug. 12, 1945, days after atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, the Donnors received an official telegram at their home in Big Rapids, Mich. Their son, U.S. Navy Radio Technician 2nd Class. However, the Missouri, named after President Trumans home state and christened by his daughter, was chosen instead. For the first time, a major enemy base was beaten down without the aid of land-based air power or amphibious invasion. The assault led by the New Jersey prevented Japan from ever again using Truk as a fleet base, stopped it from interfering with the assault by Marines and Army troops on Eniwetok on February 17, and kicked open the door to further American advances in the Central Pacific. On September 5, 1968, USS New Jersey set sail again for war. The Army was able to land at Lingayen Gulf on January 9, 1945, and eventually liberate Manila and the rest of Luzon. Halsey later said he made a mistake in bowing to pressure and turning south. In all, the New Jersey fired an unbelievable 12 million pounds of munitions against the enemy in less than a year. Second, she led the Navys main fleet in the Battle for Leyte Gulf, the largest sea battle of all time, which destroyed the Japanese fleet as a fighting force. Victory at Sea, World War II in the Pacific, by James F. Dunnigan & Albert A. Nofi, @ 1995 James F. Dunnigan & Albert A. Nofi, Published by William Morrow & Co., Inc., New York, NY. Battleships trace their lineage back to the ships-of-the-line. The 55,000-square-foot teak deck will soon be completely restored. To save money, only a minimum amount of work was performed. The Navys General Board approved the design. The New Jersey also fought in the two largest naval battles of the Pacific War. Only after the War of 1812 did America operate ships-of-the-line, which were named after states starting in 1820. In December 1985, she became the first battleship to fire the anti-ship version of the Tomahawk missile. The Korean War brought New Jersey back into commission in November 1950. This is a blast. Best time of my life, we did a west-pac and it was great!!! Commissioned in May 1943, she spent the rest of that year in the western Atlantic and Caribbean area. The cycle began again, the teenage seamen performing the same tasks their grandfathers had done forty years before. The Soviet commander hears the sound of ripping linen that announces the passage of the monstrous projectiles, and sees the curtain of dust and rock as the battleships shells obliterate his artillery. USS New Jersey - BB 62 America's Most Decorated Battleship The U.S. Navy battleship USS New Jersey (BB-62) fires a nine 40.6 cm (16 in) gun salvo during bombardment operations against enemy targets in Korea, adjacent to the 38th parallel, on 10 November 1951 Introduction | On I am curious if my father, George M Rozeck was a member of the crew of the USS New Jersey. The ceremonies were limited by security concerns after the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. She fired eleven 16-inch shells 16-18 miles into Lebanon. USS New Jersey was commissioned into the Navy on May 23, 1943. However, she was ordered home for refit via the Philippines and Japan. USS South Dakota was built by the New York Shipbuilding Corporation at the Camden, NJ dock works and launched on June 7, 1941 - the very site of the modern day museum dock for the battleship USS New Jersey. These ironclads helped win the American Civil War and led to seagoing warships, such as the cruiser Olympia, now berthed near the New Jersey on the Delaware. On May 16, 1968, USS New Jersey, the worlds only active battleship, left Philadelphia and the mothballed Iowa and Wisconsin. The radio telegram led both Nimitz and Kinkaid to assume Halsey was forming Task Force 34 and leaving it to cover San Bernardino Strait. She was also Halseys flagship during the devastating Typhoon Cobra and was featured in Herman Wouks resulting Pulitzer-prize-winning novel The Caine Mutiny. Start them north. Orders flashed from the New Jerseys towering radio masts ordering the Third Fleets nine fleet carriers, seven light carriers, six battleships, sixteen cruisers, and twenty-seven destroyers to speed toward Ozawa, leaving no ship to guard San Bernardino Strait. On March 23, 1944, she led the fleet 2,000 miles west, deep in Japanese waters. The Battleship USS New Jersey, From Birth to Berth, by Carol Comegno, @ 2001, Published by Pediment Publishing, Canada. After his pilots reported little aerial opposition, Halsey on the New Jersey told his chief of staff, Admiral Robert Mick Carney: Im going to stick my neck out. World War II proved the value of the truly fast battleship, but it also showed that the aircraft carrier was now the queen of the seas. United Nations Summer/Fall Offensive, 3. In October and November, she ranged far north up the North Korean coast, bombarding Hungnam, Hamhung, Iwon, Tanchon, Songjin, and Chongjin, almost within 16-inch range of Siberia. | Admiral Spruance ordered the New Jersey and six other fast battleships, with cruisers and destroyers, to form a battle line under Admiral Lee. As Admiral Halsey turned my back on the opportunity I had dreamed of since my days as a cadet, taking the New Jersey and Task Force 34 south, smaller Third Fleet ships kept going north to attack Admiral Ozawas battered force. USS As a member of the Decommissioning crew in 1991 I lost contact with a lot of good men from the crew. Visiting the @acboatshow this weekend? Red Storm Rising, by Tom Clancy, @ 1986 Tom Clancy, Published by G.P. U.S. defense spending was drastically reduced, and 90% of the Navys ships were decommissioned. Historical Atlas of the U.S. Navy, by Craig L. Symmonds, @ 1995 by Craig L. Symmonds, Published by Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. Communist China Spring Offensive, 2. The ship was built in 1921 by the New York Shipbuilding Corp., of Camden, New Jersey, as SS Blue Hen State, but was renamed President Garfield in 1923 and then SS President Madison in 1940 for service with American President Lines. USS New Jersey headed into the Yellow Sea and shelled Chinnampo on North Koreas west coast on May 25. All the 40mm guns were removed in 1967. Xxx. 1969 1981 1 user currently logged in and 94 visitors active. Porcelain In fourteen months during World War II, she bombarded Japanese bases and landing beaches in Saipan, Tinian, Okinawa, Wake, and other Japanese-held islands in the Marshalls and the Carolines to pave the way for the American advance across the Pacific. He then received voluminous shellfire from a battleline the last in history formed by Admiral Oldendorfs cruisers and six old battleships, five of which had been sunk or damaged at Pearl Harbor. Unlike the flammable carriers, the Iowa-class ships were near impervious to kamikazes. ft. deck is covered by 2 inches of teak on top of 1.5 inches of STS. USS New Jersey also saw more combat in World War II than any other Iowa-class battleship. Beginning in the 1880s, armored, turreted battleships became the capital ships of the worlds major naval powers. During her tour, USS New Jersey made resupply and liberty visits to the Philippines, Japan, and Singapore. To liberate Leyte, the United States sent the largest naval force ever assembled. North Vietnam had the largest air defense network in the world, which was taking a heavy toll on Air Force and Navy jets and pilots engaged in the Rolling Thunder bombing campaign. 9 Jun 1945 : USS Wisconsin was designated a training ship for a cruise to Britain, France, and Cuba. USS Pollux AKS-4 was a Castor-class general stores issue ship commissioned by the U.S. Navy for service in World War II. Halsey did not think Kinkaid needed help from his fleet, which in any case was hundreds of miles away. The first two battleships Iowa (BB-61) and New Jersey (BB-62) were to be built by the New York and Philadelphia Navy Yards, respectively. She was launched on the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor, and went on to steam more miles, fight in more battles, and fire more shells than any other battleship in history. Meanwhile, on May 27, 1945, Admiral Spruance yielded command of the main Pacific Fleet to Admiral Halsey, who was told his flagship would be Missouri. Franks was severely damaged, and her captain killed by collision with the battleships anchor. 1,200 entries in it, many are from former crew members looking for their old buddies. For the Philadelphia-built ship, he chose the name New Jersey to honor his home state. Thus, the typhoon results in a court-martial. She again fired her big guns in combat during the Lebanon crisis of 1983-84 and deployed to the western Pacific in 1986 and 1989-90, with the latter cruise extending to the Persian Gulf area. The New Jersey displays one of her original quad 40mm guns, and displays two single 20mm guns. In May 1986, USS New Jerseys battle group was deployed to the Western Pacific, freeing up aircraft carriers for other assignments. He first raised his four-star flag as the youngest full admiral on USS New Jersey, making her the flagship of the highest-ranking officer at sea. Tugs towed her to Long Beach to be reactivated and modernized. By contrast, Admiral Kuritas more powerful force debouched from San Bernardino Strait at 0035, expecting a fight but finding no ships guarding the strait. Meanwhile, Imperial Japan invaded China in July 1937, and Nazi Germany rebuilt its navy. She was deployed to Maine until mid-December in case the German battleship Tirpitz, which had attacked Spitzbergen in September, attempted to leave Norway to raid the critical North Atlantic convoys. was the best year of my life. information about joining, or getting membership information, contact them Login| Copyright 2023 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Takom Model 1:700 USS Southernland DD743 Gearing Class Destroyer 1945 w/F New at the best online prices at eBay! He described her as still in the prime of life, a Gallant Lady, the New Jersey. Recommissioning the New Jersey was the centerpiece of his 600-ship Navy program that helped convince the Soviet Union to end the Cold War. Feeling as stunned as if I had been struck in the face, Halsey angrily crumpled the message and threw it and his cap on the deck of the New Jersey, stomping on them and furiously cursing. At Pearl Harbor, she was visited by the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral John S. McCain Jr., whose father, fast carrier commander Admiral John S. McCain Sr., had come aboard to confer with Admiral Halsey in December 1944, and whose son, Navy Captain and future Senator John S. McCain III, had been shot down and was imprisoned in the Hanoi Hilton. Crossing the Pacific, the New Jersey was buzzed by Soviet Bear reconnaissance planes, a reminder of the Cold War that had recently heated up with the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. While the aircraft carrier remains the foundation of American naval power, the battleship will today be the sovereign of the seas. USS New Jersey (BB-62) sent 30 crew members ashore for Thanksgiving dinner while offshore near Hue on November 28, 1968 USS Saint Paul (CA-73) [Cruiser] while anchored in Da Nang Harbor, small boats sent ashore on May 9, 1969, and May 25, July 17, and September 17, 1970 . After Radio Tokyo inaccurately claimed Japanese pilots had sunk most of the Third Fleet, Admiral Halsey sardonically radioed from USS New Jersey to Admiral Nimitz: THE THIRD FLEETS SUNKEN AND DAMAGED SHIPS HAVE BEEN SALVAGED AND ARE RETIRING AT HIGH SPEED TOWARD THE ENEMY. Nimitz repeated Halseys statement from the New Jersey to the American press, which treated it as one of the Navys historic quotes, like John Paul Joness I have not begun to fight and Oliver Hazard Perrys We have met the enemy and they are ours., The Japanese air attacks had put torpedoes into the American cruisers Canberra and Houston, causing extreme flooding. However, all battleships worldwide were made obsolete by Britains commissioning in 1906 of the all-big-gun, heavily armored, turbine-driven HMS Dreadnought, which had twice their firepower and could reach 21 knots. The increased spending and employment to gear up for World War II finally ended the Great Depression. From only 60 miles off the Japanese coast, Fifth Fleets planes blasted airfields and aircraft plants. She was Fifth Fleet flagship during the mid-February raid on the Japanese base at Truk, where she used her guns to sink one enemy ship and join in sinking another. The heavy powder bags were dropped onto the ramps and rammed behind the shells. The troops were often ambushed by Communist forces, and needed quick, accurate, overwhelming fire support. At her decommissioning, the New Jerseys captain noted: She has no potential foe worthy of her steel.. In the 1960s, with American involvement ramping up in Vietnam, there were repeated calls to bring back a battleship. In summer 1956, she conducted the midshipman cruise to Norway, Great Britain, and Cuba, returning July 31. It witnessed the last battle in which battleships fought other ships, the last naval gunfight between battle lines, and the first use of suicide planes. USS New Jersey 1945 - 1:1000 Ship Model (Amercom ST-20) 4.4 (60) $2900 FREE delivery Mon, Mar 13 Only 6 left in stock - order soon. War at Sea, A Naval History of World War II, by Nathan Miller, @ 1995 Nathan Miller, Published by Scribner, New York, NY. She was then decommissioned for the fourth time on February 8, 1991, at Long Beach. For best viewing use Halseys carrier strikes surprised Okinawa and the Ryukyus Islands. However, on July 24, the New Jersey was ordered to steam off Central America to provide a naval presence due to Communist arms shipments to the new Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. In her 1967 refit, the New Jersey received SPS-53 surface radar, on-line automatic encryption and decryption gear, and receivers and transmitters for infrared, HF, VHF, and UHF bands. The Americans lost warships displacing 36,600 tons (a light carrier, 2 escort carriers, 2 destroyers, 1 destroyer escort, 1 PT Boat), about 200 planes, and approximately 3000 men. The New Jerseys multiple tour routes have a total length of over a mile and half. On March 5, 1953, the New Jersey left Norfolk for her second tour off Korea. The nine 16-inch guns of the New Jersey and Iowa could fire 2,700-pound shells almost 24 miles. USS New Jersey is the most intact of any American battleship. Miss the Big J. In 1982, the New Jersey received updated systems to protect against incoming missiles. On August 8, the New Jersey used her 16-inch and 5-inch guns to bombard Wake Island, captured after a heroic defense by the Marines in 1941. USS New Jerseys 16-inch shells could not be shot down and had no pilot who could be taken prisoner. The New Jersey carried Admiral Spruance to devastated Manila on August 20, 1945, where he conferred with General MacArthur about the upcoming occupation of Japan. The next day, the New Jersey headed for Ulithi, Pearl Harbor, and Seattle. Navy World Wide Locator Soon after, the New Jersey received the Pioneer Remotely Piloted Vehicle. The New Jersey received a more substantial tripod mainmast in place of her previous pole mast, allowing her to handle more radar and radio antennas. For RATING SHIRTS - Click on your Rating Abbreviation below: AB. She returned to Long Beach in February 1990. Women (including officers) of the Army and Navy Nurse Corps may be found on medical ships and as passengers aboard Navy ships and at some Navy shore installations. It authorized adding 135,000 tons worth of capital ships and permitted capital ships in excess of 35,000 tons to be laid down, if the President determined that the interests of national defense so require. Roosevelt believed it did, as Imperial Japanese troops advanced in China and Nazi Germany annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia. The Hunt for Red October, by Tom Clancy, @ 1984 Tom Clancy, Published by Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. At 0100 on October 26, Nowaki was exploded by Task Force 34.5s cruisers and destroyers. The Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, has custody of deck logs from 1941 to 1983, as well as muster rolls created. Once again Wonson shore batteries fired and were silenced by the New Jersey. Including the New Jersey and six other fast battleships, eight heavy cruisers, thirteen light cruisers, and sixty-nine destroyers, the fast carrier task force had the greatest tonnage of any single naval formation ever to go to battle. On April 6, 1953, after passing through the Panama Canal and stopping in Long Beach, Hawaii, and Japan, USS New Jersey again became Seventh Fleet flagship, this time for Admiral Joseph Jocko Clark, who led carriers in the Battle of the Philippine Sea and was the first Native American admiral in the Navy. At 1236 Kurita abandoned penetration of Leyte anchorage, and headed back to San Bernardino Strait. Luzon Operations, 8. The Navy's World Wide Locatoris a service established to find the present duty station of active duty personnel, and is for official business use only. Her remaining sixteen twin 20mm mounts were removed, and a Navy librarian removed any books from her library that might be deemed subversive in the McCarthy era. Admiral Gerald Bogan, commander of one of Halseys carrier groups, used TBS to contact the New Jersey and reiterate his night scouting pilots had seen that Admiral Kuritas force was again heading toward San Bernardino Strait and that the Japanese had turned on the straits navigation lights. The New Jersey returned fire and quickly obliterated the shore battery. Now, he shifted his flag to USS New Jersey because he was leading Operation Hailstone, a bold attack on the Japanese Combined Fleet base at Truk atoll in the Caroline Islands. Add yours! USS Nevada BB36 Cruise Book 1916-1946 WW2 Navy Unidentified Crew Photos Military Condition: Used "It is in very good used collectible condition for its age. In 1955, after a shakedown cruise to Cuba and the Dominican Republic, USS New Jersey took the midshipmen on a summer cruise to Spain, England, and Cuba. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); With the battlelines stabilizing and negotiations beginning, USS New Jersey still alternated between escorting carriers and bombarding the North Korean coast. USS New Jersey (BB-62), From World War II, Korea, and Vietnam to Museum Ship, by David Doyle, @ 2019 David Doyle, Published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., Altgen, PA. USS New Jersey (BB-62), The Big J Battleship, @ 1996 Turner Publishing Company, Published by Turner Publishing Company, Paducah, KY. U.S. Battleships, An Illustrated Design History, by Norman Friedman @ 1985 United States Naval Institute, Published by the Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. Taffy 3 had only three destroyers and four destroyer escorts screening six escort carriers converted merchantmen each having only a dozen obsolescent fighters plus a dozen bombers armed and trained to attack ground troops and submarines rather than surface ships. Korean Summer/Fall Offensive, and 4. Here to read entries in the Ships Log * *. On August 21, the New Jersey was notified that she would be decommissioned again as a cost-cutting measure. Why the encoding officer used The World Wonders as padding is unknown, but October 25 happened to be the anniversary of The Charge of the Light Brigade celebrated in Tennysons poem. The next day, when she bombarded targets north of the DMZ, the Navy jet spotting for her was shot down, and she helped rescue the crew. She was the lead ship of a class of three battleships, and the first ship to be named for the state of New Mexico.Her keel was laid down on 14 October 1915 at the New York Navy Yard, from which she was launched on 23 April 1917 and commissioned on 20 May 1918.

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