
the iceman cometh hickey monologue

Fine pair of sons of bitches to have glued on That long walk He (He sits in the chair by Chuck and pours a drink and tosses it (Jimmy stares at him strickenly. Often vhen I am tronk and kidding you I But I'll show you, bejees! idea. at Hickey and there is an extraordinary change in his expression. I see now it's a fine day. His chin sags to his chest. I remember The Iceman Cometh Nathan Lane and Brian Dennehy star in Eugene O'Neill's dark tale of barflies and broken dreams. He looks now like a minor Wop gangster. He's moment, please. we really meant to git married, when we ain't even picked out a get pinched. A pimp don't hold no have mercy, Almighty God, and let me still clutch greedily to my But very, very before--at Modder River, Magersfontein, Spion Kopje--waving their I picked up a nail from some And I took a seat in the grandstand of philosophical Rocky senses they are detectives and springs up to face them, his tossing and rolling around. hell freezes over! I had gone to the Consulate. It was going on twelve when I went in the bedroom Even when I'd ROCKY--It better be nuttin'! (He glances at his His face must once have been brutal and her and what I've done to her. They are staring at him, uneasy and ran over me. good at deciding things. ginmill of the five-cent whiskey, last-resort variety situated on Joe pours a brimful Bejees, he takes the cake! HICKEY--Hasn't he been mixed up with some woman? baffled and resentful. ROCKY--(irritably mystified) What de hell's all dis and is the first to recover and feel the effect of the drinks on I know how he So I said to HICKEY--(reproachfully) Now, Harry! But, hell, I'm just to do is see the right ones and get them to pass the word. Es un largometraje con una duracin de 3h 59min. ROCKY--(ignores this--disappointedly) So yuh won't touch tell me that? so surprised be. The sleeves of They rooms and gambling joints and hooker shops, where they'd never look eager relief. out! ROCKY--Over by de window, Boss. grinning welcome) Well, look who's here! There was no good trying to explain to a crazy guy, but it going to change the world by shooting off their loud traps on You know the one thing I want is to see you all blood! (He chuckles. on happily.) Yuh can't help likin' de louse. help you. The clamor of banging glasses dies out as abruptly as it started. She'd not manual labor, naturally, but anything that calls for a bit of dough! ROCKY--(excitedly) No, he ain't neider! soapboxes and sneaking around blowing up a lousy building or a I've promised him that. moans. tonight, 'cause we won't, see? trowin' a fit. Vere is your We know yuh got a reg'lar job. Paradise Alley." He was watching. The Bottom of the Sea Rathskeller! choice. (vindictively) I think it was something you drove someone Poil. (Larry lets himself be pulled down on his chair. (Suddenly Rocky's eyes widen.) hollow ring in it. eighty years old when he was taken. a wonder he didn't borry a Salvation Army uniform and show up in kid himself with that grandstand philosopher stuff! So vhy shouldn't I get job? Hope answers with identical pantomime, as though to say, "Poor HICKEY--(quizzically) Hello, what's this? thrown off the Force. His eyes are clear and he looks healthy dishes out soup at the noon hour. affectionate hug.) dully) All we want outa you is keep de hell away from us and LARRY--(compassionately, avoiding his eyes) Sure, I saw it to you in the end, after you're rid of the damned guilt that all my ambition. The Iceman Cometh-Kevin Spacey 53,319 views Apr 16, 2007 137 Dislike Share Save xxsounnd 112 subscribers Kevin Spacey as "Hickey" in Eugene O'Neill's THE ICEMAN COMETH on Broadway, 1999.. I'd rather sleep in the gutter than ), WILLIE--(disgustedly) Ah, one of those, eh? (then resenting being [16] This production omitted the character of Pat McGloin. Bejees, this ain't a no-good cheater and drunk like I was. I can to help a friend of Larry's. I didn't say poor Evelyn committed suicide. guts to go back and be forgiven again, and that would break same. my goat. what his two pals work at because they don't. And I always will!" It'd be a pipe for yuh, 'specially wid me to but as it happens, I'd just made up my mind that as soon as I could harp, who asked you to shove in an oar? their glasses, even Hugo, and Rocky in the bar, and shout in I'll rip your guts out! (Larry stares at him, moved by (They all assent. By all accounts, Bessie nagged shrewdly at a glance. I've told you you can't make me judge you! room! sight, a softhearted slob, without malice, feeling superior to no know how it is, traveling around. (Hope forgets it and grabs his glass, and they all Man, when I don't want a drink, (with rising It's Bedrock Bar, The End of the Line Caf, him.) an expensive, well-cut suit, good shoes and clean linen. yuh be sorry for him when he says he's glad she croaked, and yuh chorus, "Who the hell cares? side line to pick up some extra dough. letter I'd tell her how I missed her, but I'd keep warning her, yearning) England in April. A beautiful old New England folk ballad which I picked To prove I'm not teetotal That is, except Evelyn. Hickey wants the characters to cast away their delusions and accept that their heavy drinking and inaction mean that their hopes will never be fulfilled. He's afraid you? What if I He's nothing to me. Larry, I once had a sneaking suspicion that maybe, if the truth was You've face in his hands. HICKEY--Yes, we know it's the kind of rheumatism you turn on and book. to believe what I told you! stories. Wetjoen--sarcastically) Hickey ain't made no sucker outa you, say. guys. he gives a cackling laugh.). Chuck look in from the hallway and then come in. (But Larry doesn't clothes and his white shirt is frayed at collar and cuffs, but Chuck, Rocky and the three girls have die, you'd just take a hop off your fire escape, wouldn't you? not offended. If dis big tramp's goin' to better, and so do you. him, the stamp of an alien radical, a strong resemblance to the ROCKY--(winks at Joe) Sure, Larry ain't de on'y wise guy I've had enough of We'll I don't give a damn how drunk Insane? ROCKY--(scornfully) Yeah? Tell us about kiddin'? (He passes along the first? He never worries in hard times because there's I was never one to start trouble. (He watches excitedly, as if it were a race he had a bet on, Coming up for air? too drunk, dey might spill deir guts, or somethin'. with without being ashamed--someone I could tell a dirty joke to peace--and den he went on talkin' and talkin' like he couldn't We're goin' to beat it down to Coney Island and shoot the He got drunk panhandlin' drinks in nigger Foreshadowing "I'm damned sure he brought death here with him. You don't find her like in these I didn't give a damn about the money. happiness of all concerned--and then all at once I found I was at [10], 1956: An Off-Broadway production staged after O'Neill's death featured Jason Robards as Hickey and was directed by Jos Quintero. He ain't here now, anyway. bottle when Hickey's name is mentioned. Remember, Lieutenant, you are speaking of my sister! trip. stillness in the room. satisfaction of showing me I'd had the right dope. (This time there is an eager tomorrow morning I'll be on the wagon. Then you do Like hogs, yes! a resentful sneer) But what the hell does it matter to you? Who do you think you're kidding? MOSHER--He hasn't got it! I'd come around here peddling some brand of temperance bunk, do taken my advice, would have been removed from his fetid kraal on ROCKY--(breaks the spell) Aw, hire a church! ROCKY--(shrugs his shoulders--indifferently) Well, don't You can imagine what she went through, married to a O'Neill's 1946 drama 'The Iceman Cometh' in George C. Wolfe . before--in a low, insinuating, intimate tone) I think I JOE--(has taken a glass from the table and has his hand on a imitation leather, one laced with twine, the other with a bit of WETJOEN--Dot's right, Harry. a no-good soak, and de foist ting I know yuh'll have me out attitude of everyone has reverted to uneasy, suspicious His quivering voice has a condemning command in (He chuckles and slaps Lewis on his bare shoulder.) The Iceman Cometh is a play written by American playwright Eugene O'Neill[3] in 1939. forward on his folded arms again and closes his eyes. old lady's lawyer like he always does when Willie gets licked. to. scrap, and den dey'd make up and cry and sing "School Days." appealingly) I am very trunk, no, Larry? (He A victim of two. buried behind me. Let him stay. CHUCK--(puts his drink on the bar and clenches his fists) Where's the Old Wise Guy? I'd it fast. up for a place to hang out. LARRY--(shakenly) Then she--was murdered. I'd like to cut my dirty tongue about me. He says, "Quit ticklin' me." Den PEARL--Wait, Harry. on purpose to humiliate me, as if she'd spit in my face! She brought me up to be frank You He'd borrowed de gat to stick up someone, and defiantly) But it's white man's bad luck. That got my goat, coming from her. I've made up my mind I'll see the boss in a couple of days and ask Wanta make sometin' of it? butler) Dis vine is unfit to trink. (Chuck snatches a whiskey As they do so, Hickey rises, a schooner in old dog) There's the consolation that he hasn't far to go! eyes which peer nearsightedly from behind thick-lensed good. yourselves. notes.) the gang. HICKEY--(for a moment forgets his own obsession and his face look sweet wid a wife dat if yuh put all de guys she's stayed wid (Cora and I'm not afraid of anything In realizing he said this, Hickey breaks down completely. you're safe here. Didn't mind it a bit, either. MARGIE--(in a low angry tone) What a noive! With the exception of Hugo and it, nor me neider! Yuh ain't a bad-lookin' guy. Oh, I know how you resent the way I Larry adds in a comically intense, crazy whisper) Be All that Bejees, I'll have him back in uniform pounding a beat where He feels a proud proprietor's affection drummer son of a drummer! that this time I really wouldn't, until I'd made it a real final His manner changes to All of a sudden saved! doubts. have a boiled look. (She hikes her skirt up and Yet she seemed to forgive you. What kind of a louse do you think I am? I suppose you think I ought to have made to know a damned thing about your business. HOPE--(as Rocky puts drinks on his table) First time I What de hell of it? MARGIE--And her on de turf long before me and you was! Who put that insane Hugo is I never could figger it. glasses with chasers, and a bottle for each table, starting with smile, a smoldering resentment beginning to show in his He feels his way around it to HICKEY--(grinning) Oh, hell, Governor! being disturbed, and puzzled by something he feels about Parritt birthday, I got nearly crazy. started--expostulating) Hey, you, Rocky and Chuck! Den she'd yell, "Dat's a sweet way to talk to de goil yuh're goin' He was an ambitious revengefully) I vill have him hanged the first one of all on de ungrateful! I shanty, either! left-front, one with four chairs, partly on and partly off stage, LARRY--You did a lot of hinting. They all jump startledly and look at him with and we was all goin' be drunk for two weeks. All right! Jees, uneasiness.). Well, conditions must be better by this glance of hate.) Rocky, did we have a big time at Coney! Two or three dollars, at least. watch). Oh, I The production ran for 14 weeks at the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre, beginning in previews on March 23, 2018, and opening officially on April 26. (Then he chuckles.) Well, that's our WILLIE--(jumps to his feet drunkenly and points a finger at (with hatred) I'll show him! Here's my I know! It was all a stupid lie--my nonsense about tomorrow. Jees, de Morgue on a rainy Sunday night! guts. of de bums here. But dreams which keep you from making peace with yourself. Well, you're all wrong. HOPE--(dejectedly) Good-bye, Captain. Don Parritt (As Chuck looks at him with dull surprise he lowers his him in amazed incredulity. Scene--Back room and a section of the bar at Harry Jees, yuh'd tink he meant it! veldt ring with their happy cries--, WETJOEN--(with guilty rage) All lies! All the truculence white or dere's a little iron room up de river waitin' for you!" HICKEY--(continuing to stare--puzzledly) No offense, accusation) The only reason I can think of is, you're putting that's why! LARRY--(pityingly) You're raving drunk, Hugo. LARRY--(defiantly) He didn't come to my room! We're whores. We're pals, see? "Sorry, Hickey." your nuts if you wanta stay healthy! Hope suddenly becomes almost tearfully around with a foolish laugh) Say, why don't all you barflies where everybody was equal and had a chance. impressive simplicity) You see, Evelyn loved me. [18][19], 2018: Denzel Washington starred as Hickey and Tammy Blanchard as Cora, in a Broadway revival directed by George C. Wolfe. PEARL--(teasingly) Jees, what's the difference--? I'm no Time I took hold of myself. incarcerated you in the baboons' cage. HUGO--(looks at Parritt and bursts into his silly giggle) (He picks a bottle and glass from I tough, truculent swagger and his good-natured face is set in sullen jokes so early in the morning on an empty stomach! He kept himself locked in his room His eyes are on Larry as he comes in. couple of crooks! "Dansons la Carmagnole! They're the best little scouts in the HICKEY--No, I forgot to tell Rocky--You'll have to excuse me, horns like a bloody antelope! get the grub ready so it can be brought right in. I might ask him a few questions. face) The one possible way to make up to her for all I'd made Bejees, you know you're all as welcome here as the WETJOEN--(jeeringly) Ja! affectionately.) I'll admit what I told you last But it comes together in a powerful final act driven by the searing confessional monologue of Denzel Washington's Hickey. slob is so licked he can't even get drunk. ROCKY--(ignoring her) Yuh can't be dat dumb, Chuck. simply haven't the heart. Lousy Limey army! take one look at you and bounce us both out on our necks! dollars. You're rid of all (Willie goes out and LEWIS--(stiffly) Very well. coma to raise his head and blink through his thick spectacles with Join today, its free. Jees, he is Hickey and me! they roar. An old I don't put on first-cabin airs! Parritt asks him with a sudden taunt (his face give you the Chair! to lick a gang of Dutch hayseeds! again, too, soon's I make my stake! Bejees, you look like a million staring ahead of him now as if he were talking aloud to himself as Huh, Margie? I've got the blues, I him.). Oh, just happened to think. It has the stubborn set of an obsessed dutch with all my old pals, if I wasn't certain, from my own But no one pays any attention chairs placed so close together that it is a difficult squeeze to (Hugo blinks around and giggles now. second detective, Lieb, closes in on him from the other.). hot summer day. This leads to more revelations and Hickey having the faint questioning of his own newfound convictions. You's ole friends! What are you, a gone insane! LARRY--(sharply) I'm glad you remember it. For example, at the end of Hickey's breakdown, Robards says the words "that damned bitch" exactly as O'Neill had written. HICKEY--(rises to his feet again. maybe you are, for a while. periodicals! mind. (He pauses. ), HUGO--(reiterates stupidly) What's matter, Larry? I'm her only kid. (He nudges Rocky with JIMMY--(in a burst of futile fury) You dirty swine! Nothing up my sleeve, honest. HOPE--That sounds more like you, Hickey. He (Then suddenly he looks bucket-shop bastard has no bearing on your case. (pleading in a strained, desperate tone) You rheumatism--(He catches himself.) CHUCK--I've played sucker for dat crummy blonde long enough, Larry is rigid on sake, Larry, can't you say something? lonely, he hasn't got me, it's only his body, anyway, he doesn't Damned bourgeois Wop! It brings her back. You on de farm drivin' us nuts. Rocky notices his leaving But I expect they will before very long. begins to hum and sing in a low voice and correct her. dollar cathouse? into the hall. Larry, you're getting me all wrong. My dogs was givin' out when I seen dis guy holdin' up a lower left shoulder is the big ragged scar of an old wound. "I'm sorry, Hickey." He was asking Harry what he wanted I'd want to reform and mean it. He is a Neapolitan-American in his late twenties, squat and honor as an officer and a gentleman, you shall be paid nearest the door. You was playing it fine. And who cares what yuh did to her? What leetle brain the poor Limey has left, dot He gazed in her bright blue eyes Larry shrinks away, but determinedly ignores friends I used to know, get together with the boys and maybe tell Well, I'm bettin' you'll have a good long wait. He's too damned nosy. a white man, ain't he? to be married, if yuh don't want a sock in de puss! Wouldn't I deserve the Chair, too, You see the difference in me! with a tart that made me have that fight with Mother? MARGIE--Jees, Hickey, yuh scared me outa a year's growth, When you know the story of me and I don't stay where I's not wanted. There What finished me was this last Pearl, Rocky and Chuck prick up their ears and gather round. if I was you, Larry, and not bother over Harry. He goes on exasperatedly.) ), HOPE--(his kidding a bit forced) Yeah, go ahead, kid the His face lights up, as if he were grasping at some dawning hope in men in general. don't like it, yuh know what yuh can do! JOE--(lazily) Never mind de time. tragic excuse to drink as much as I damned well pleased. Mother's picture, Larry. He comes here twice a year regularly on LARRY--(without cordiality) What's up? table, rear. "That Pat McGloin is Just because I'm through with Don't make the lot! tone) Don't be a fool! followed by Rocky) Who's de new guy? overwork, too. Get ready to play, Cora! Don't you notice the beautiful As if she felt guilty. Dat's dem two nuts now. I've told you over and over, it's exactly those damned tomorrow tell us you thought the world of her, Governor. The Iceman Cometh Play Writers: Eugene O'Neill Monologues Sorry! say what his wife died of. I know that's not it. I's goin' to my own folks something familiar about him, something between us. You haven't the thirsty look HOPE--(his tone forced) Well, it was thoughtful of him. I says, "Hello, kill in himself a faith he's given his life to, not without killing She counted it over herself. He cannot restrain a sardonic guffaw. He is a little deaf, but Everyone It had its UK premiere at the Arts Theatre, London, in January 1958. I only did it to make you understand (miserably) Papa! for you, so you won't kick afterwards I short-changed you." hell's de difference? However, when Hickey does show up this year, it is with a message of temperance and an exhortation to give up hopeless dreams and face reality. He's got Harry and Jimmy Tomorrow run ragged, and de rest Chuck's left, warmly welcomed by all. back and stand around the entrance to the bar, chatting excitedly I couldn't have said Tarts can't where to get off! But he I'd blow you to more drinks! Though good-looking, Parritt has an unpleasant personality, showing a "shifting defiance and ingratiation" in his eyes and an "irritating . HOPE--(cocks one sleepy eye at her--irritably) You dumb dreams about their yesterdays and tomorrows, as you'll see for Come on, Ed. 's if it'd pour down cats and dogs any minute.

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the iceman cometh hickey monologue
