But she was grooming him for something much darker than telling fortunes. It was his death, however, that indirectly led to the cults demise. Then, learn about the satanic Corpsewood Manor murders. Looking inside, they spotted candles, an altar, a large cauldron, and other items they associated with brujera. Three other men - Martin Quintana, Jorge Montes and Omar Orea, were introduced to the profitable business of casting spells to bring good luck for rich drug dealers and hitmen. Constanzo was portrayed by actor Aldo Uribe. As a teenager, he became apprenticed to a local sorcerer and began to practice a religion called Palo Mayombe, which involves animal sacrifice. TheHernandezeswere members of a large family with relatives on either side of the border who made their money smuggling marijuana. Sara Mara Aldrete Villareal was born in 1964 and grew up middle class in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, near the border with the United States. He was taken by his abductors to a ranch where he was tortured and sodomized for hours before being murdered in a human sacrifice ritual. It was a video of her and some guys fileting the skin, then wearing it as a mask, and kicking around the guys head.. could be wuera.. what ever happend to her? "Ciclones operating in Matamoros. Along the way, Kilroy said he had to use the bathroom. a goat's head and a horseshoe. Flickr/Lisandro SanchezThe streets of Matamoros, Mexico at dusk. The consul assured the boys that Kilroy had probably wandered off and passed out and that he was sure to turn up soon. MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas - A Texas woman became the latest local murder victim after unknown individuals tortured her to death. Bettmann/Getty ImagesThe cauldron containing Kilroys brains. SEEING THIS MAKES ME APPRECIATE HUMILITY, HONESTY AND CIVILITY IN ALL HUMAN BEINGS. of three persons were found in coolers, one identified as Joselyn Alejandra Nio, a sicaria operating in Hernandez once ordered his henchman to bring him the first male they could findfor sacrifice. Some MENSA member must have staged this scene to catch the dark, humorous irony of it all. His legs were hacked off with a machete, while his spine was removed and his brains were found boiled in a cauldron. The source indicated that the yet unidentified man was dumped behind a hotel in the outskirts of Matamoros. Officers raided the ranch and discovered Constanzo's cauldron, which contained various items such as a dead black cat and a human brain.
Businessmen and cartel members paid him for palo mayombe sacrifices, which supposedly protected them from spirits and nurtured their careers. Constanzo who was staying in a high-rise apartment with Aldrete and his current lover, along with two more of his followers saw his nganga burned on TV. Neither of the said psycho killers actually know me or give a rat's hoot about me.but hey. Following his 1987 assassination,the family was beset by arrests andinfighting. . The 3 got what they deserved hahaha.

Constanzo and his followers eventually set up operations at Rancho Santa Elena, property owned by the Hernandez familyin Matamoros and less than a mile from the border. There, he performed various rituals cleanses, fortune telling, healings, and others for pay. Hope they took the beer out of the cooler before the body went in wasting beer should be a crime. EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) - The Mexican army is reporting the capture of a top Sinaloa cartel operative in the state of Chihuahua and the killing of a Gulf cartel leader in Matamoros, Mexico.. An army unit based in Madera, Chihuahua, engaged in a firefight with members of a cell of the Sinaloa cartel on Friday in the town of La Nortea; the shootout led to the capture of Francisco . When are these people gonna realize that they are being used just to take up space in back of a truck and on their caravans when they go on missions. Although police had the Hernandez brothers and a few other accomplices in custody, Constanzo was in the wind. Id also kill to have Theres so many layers to life and death, and I appreciate art that explores them all. She draws and paints in a fantastical way what happens to our bodies when we lay on the Tonny Furia is a tattoo artist from Mexico City whose art can be best described as digital velvet paintings. WHY? At the station, the caretaker spotted Kilroys missing-person flyer on Ayalas desk. Required fields are marked *. Read more true crime stories by Bartlette here. They also unearthed what one witness called a human slaughterhouse.. Probably not 65,,just going off some rap tribute vids. The episode is titled "Sacrificial Evil". The objective is to promote history on Medium and demonstrate the value of historical writing. The ciclones are bad people so is the metros they all kidnap, extortion and tax people. The dismembered remains of three persons were found in coolers, one identified as Joselyn Alejandra Nio, a sicaria operating in Rio Bravo.
group-Los Ciclones. Their high priest and his closest confidants, however, evaded capture for another month. I thought maybe it was someone Mark mightve known, says Huddleston.

Mexican policeallegedly refused to continue the investigation until a healer known as a curandero came and purified the site to cast out any evil spirits, according to Texas Monthly. Meanwhile, Marks parents, James and Helen Kilroy, flew to Brownsville to lead the search. @ 04/18/15 at 13:51 :yesI must admit; I'm no exception when speaking about how one can almost never have enough in the holster :-(, but one doesn't need much to have fun, anyway You think I might be too small for you? Living in the shadow of grizzly bears, cougars and the other predators of the wilderness taught her about the dark side of nature, and taught her to accept her place in nature's order as their prey. Thats messed up! In the end, a much stronger force prevailed. A caretaker on the property said he recognized Kilroy from a photograph police showed him. It was very hard for us to come back because we wanted Mark to be with us, Helen Kilroy told reporters. Cartel r really nice people they Ice them down, Hey Gulf, Why don't u elect one leader and stop the killing, Do you want to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ killing doesn't make you $$$$$$$$$$$, Mater of fact they do get tatoos so they can gwt ewcognized when they get killed many scorpiones tatooted their clave in their chest under the bulletpfoof sort of like the tags of the military saludos desde matamoros tam, filth taking out filth, can't be mad at that. They circulated 20,000 leaflets throughout the Rio Grande valley offering a $15,000 reward for any information concerning his whereabouts. Determined not to go to prison, he handed a gun to follower Alvaro de Leon and ordered him to open fire on him and Martin Quintana. He was taken back to the ranch, possibly tortured and sodomized, then slain by Costanzo with a machete chop to the back of his head, according to New York's Daily News. Constanzos mother believed her son to be a chosen one and performed rituals dedicating him to various gods or spirits and invoking their protection. Beer gets recycled all the time, what do you think TECATE is?Tecate addicts are the worst beer drinkers in the whole world She thinks she is a bad ass working for the cartel. Lmao 10:17 dont call the little man out like that, Sounds like he's been in some battlesIf I saw deflectors running I think I would shoot them in the ass like anyone else What a pendajo, Hahahaha the family members of the 3 cant even complain about these murders. the Murderpedia project stay alive. Parcast Cults did a two episode story on Constanzo and the Narcosatanists, released on June 19 and 26, 2018. new content, we kindly appreciate any donation you can give to help Like tens of thousands of other high school and college kids, they had walked across the international bridge from Brownsville, Texas, to spend part of their spring break in the raunchy border town of Matamoros, Mexico, where the legal drinking age was only 18. Ayala and his officers were working with American drug enforcement on one of the largest drug interdiction efforts the two agencies had ever executed.
Victimas si porque todos ellos son unas victimas aunque posen con sus R 15s, 8:11 back to your meds, increase dosage of anti-nazI tea and cranky robot pillsA truth very few perceive, "todos son victimas" best statement todayThe US protects mass murderer genocida ernesto zedillo y su jundillo, and salinas de Gortari too, All the ppl mentioning the old tv in her roomcmon maybe that was her first daywho knows maybe she had a nice 60in 4k tv waiting for her before she got fished out by the contras.food for thought, Is 65 El Flaco Sierra?He is with Metros and Nosa ? He ducked into a darkened, overgrown park, only 200 feet from the border. In the days before cell phones or widespread debit-card transactions, they were completely off grid. Over the next few weeks the Kilroys mounted a determined campaign to locate their son. Police searched Constanzos various homes and properties in Mexico City, but could not find the couple. You mean die, then get filleted with fish knives Lol. There, he began offering spiritual cleansings and magic spells to the citys elite, including celebrities and politicians. I've seen hitmen get scared and take off alone in battles. Esto les pasa por ayudar a los ciclones (This is what happens when you help the Ciclones), the Narco message revealed referring to one of the cartel factions. Hardcover. Missing for weeks, Kilroy's parents turned up the heat on the Mexican government, causing an all out search for the missing boy. Mark Kilroy, a Texas college student who had crossed the Mexican border to party The graves containing the mutilated remains of 15 people. Twelve human RMBAEF6C - Spain, Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO, St. James statue, Matamoros killing Saracens.
Some wore necklaces made from their victims' vertebrae. The old man told Ayala that he had fed the young man, who he had been bound and held in the back of a Suburban at the ranch three weeks earlier. All of them had evidence of torture: decapitation, burning, castration, and in at least one victim, removal of his heart. He went right to the burial spot, noting Kiroy would be buried where there was a wire sticking out of the ground. Eventually, they would exhume the remains of 14 more people. Previously no one cared about the missing drug dealers, figuring they were the victims of an ongoing drug war. I mean look at her damn tv's they ol skool as fuck. His lover was lying next to him, dead from one gunshot wound. 
A total of 14 cult members were charged with a range of crimes, from murder and drug-running to obstructing the course of justice. Constanzo, in a state of paranoia, began burning all his cash on the stove and flinging wads of cash and coins out to the street below. Constanzo's mother, Delia Gonzalez del Valle mugshot. I heard him say something like Didnt I just see you somewhere? or Where did I last see you? A total of fourteen cult members were charged with a wide range of crimes, from murder to drug-running. The first stop was El Sombrero, where they had a couple of drinks before moving a few blocks farther down the street to a joint that had recently been rechristened the Hard Rock, to attract American kids. NEXT. need your help for this. [2] His cult was said to be associated with the notable Gulf Cartel.[3]. Under pressure from Texan politicians, Mexican police initially picked up four of Constanzo's followers, including two of the Hernandez brothers. He opened shop in Mexico Citys Zona Rosa, or pink district, known for being welcoming to gays like Constanzo. Anybody that gets shocked by this anymore is living under a rock. also sinembargo picked it up today and gave us a nod, daily beast mentioned us in their article as well.
I mean if you gonna be risking your life like that shouldnt you make alot more than that and atleast be able to have yourself a plasma tv ? 200 Reviews . Personal PhotoThe full extent of the torture that Mark Kilroy suffered before his death may never be known for sure. I heard him say something like Didnt I just see you somewhere? or Where did I last see you? A ritually sacrificed chicken in a pot at a cult run ranch in Matamoros, Mexico. She gave birth to Adolfo at the age of 15 and eventually had three children, by different fathers. Photographs after the There, Lt. George Gravito took their statements. First, however, he was instructed to take them to Kilroys remains. [2] Many of his clients were rich drug dealers and hitmen who enjoyed the violence of Constanzo's "magical" displays. Believing his magic spells were responsible for the success of the cartels, Adolfo made a proposition to one of the most powerful families he knew - the Calzadas. In the early hours of Saturday, March 11th, Kilroy, a senior at the University of Texas at Austin, Bill Huddleston and Bradley Moore, both juniors at Texas A&M, and Brent Martin, a student at Alvin Community College, in Alvin, Texas, packed into Martins car and hit the road bound for South Padre Island, a balmy stretch of sand and sea where the southern tip of the Lone Star State meets the Gulf of Mexico. A total of 14 of Constanzos cult members were charged with crimes ranging from murder, to drug-running, to obstructing the course of justice. After U.S.-Mexico authorities expanded their anti-drug operations on April 11, police arrested 20-year-old drug dealer Serafin Hernandez Garcia for marijuana possession. A source reportedly made the discovery under a bridge near the rural community of Los Indios just west of Matamoros. With dive bars and cheap drinks all along Calle Alvaro Obregon, the Matamoros strip provided no shortage of fun. Openly bisexual, Constanzo had multiple male and female lovers who he began recruiting into his cult. Why?? In another of the photos, the dismembered body of a man is shown with various body parts thrown on the ground. But weeks went by with no luck. He said, Lets all die. But I didnt want to die, she told authorities, according to the Los Angeles Times. [4] Constanzo soon made friends with a new cartel, the Hernandez brothers. Jim Schutze. updates The u.s. military is full of people who just follow orders and die for people who don't care about them , that are just using them for political or personal reasons. It's like the condemned man being led to the electric chair, what goes through his mind as he's taking those steps? Soriana in colonia Lauro Villar, Matamoros, a gruesome discovery was made De Len, known as "El Duby", and Sara Aldrete were immediately arrested. A care taker at the Ranch identified Mark from a photo and remembered seeing him hand cuffed in the back of an SUV. Constanzo, a drug dealer, serial killer and con man. He removed Kilroys brain and placed it into the nganga, a sacrifice he believed would grant him intelligence and wisdom. I am just a patron of this blog that appreciates that this sicaria happens to be dead, sprawled on the asphalt displaying the promazos and torture that did her in while sporting a lovely ironic humor printed tee (think Joker's "Born to Kill") and very practical (though, faux pas under the circumstances [oops]) duct tape wristbands. Spirits were high as the friends traded banter about the days events. April 16, 9:35 PM"She's got a delicious looking midrif. At one point, his mother was arrested for keeping 27 animals in her tiny apartment; the floors were covered in feces and blood. Inside The Life Of America's Most Notorious Serial Killer, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. At Brownsvilles Texas Southmost College,Aldrete was a straight A student and a cheerleader for the soccer team. YouTubeBy the time a reward was offered, Mark Kilroy had already been butchered. I wonder if she ever carried 1k in her pocket. All fur 4 pesos anda five finger discount. It's a shame they ruined a good cool box, when a black trash bag would have done the job. [5] Fifteen mutilated corpses were dug up at the ranch, one of them Kilroy's. Over the course of 2 years the ranch was used to store shipments of cocaine and marijuana, and sadistic ritual murders were carried out. When the authorities learned about the ranch, Adolfo fled to Mexico City with four of his followers. They planned to spend their days at the beach and their nights partying south of the border.
Copyright 2023 Penske Business Media, LLC. The Matamoros Cult Murders | Ages of Murder [1989] Experiment 53 8.15K subscribers Subscribe 87 Save 4.8K views 4 years ago Notice Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines) Almost. The Devil's Ranch revealed the details of a twisted cult: horrific scene of murder, torture and human sacrifice. A few days later the Kilroys returned to their home in Santa Fe but vowed not to give up their search. But the marijuana was a major offense.
After backtracking to look for his friend, Huddleston crossed the border, expecting to find Kilroy at the car with Moore and Martin. El Padrino, the officers would soon learn, was Adolfo de Jess Constanzo. The streets of Matamoros, Mexico at dusk. Adolfo Constanzo was the focus of the 1st episode of Unexplained Realms the podcast, titled.
The bridge linking Matamoros, Mexico, and Brownsville, Texas. Body parts were put in thengangaand boiled, making a foul brew that cult members then drank, believing it made them invisible and bulletproof. Editors picks Police forced members of the Hernandez gang to help dig up the bodies of their victims. That's not her it was la wuera loca who was dismembered by los zetas in a video. Its funny how the muertos de hambre zetas and cdg post whit guns in their pics and when they have to use them their balls drop lol one scum bag less Good, Women want equal rights, well they can get equal machetazos too. The metros are loyal to El Cos the ciclones are loyal to Osiel. [5] By the time police reached the apartment, both Constanzo and Quintana were dead. Yet the tall Mexican woman had been working with Constanzo for years, luring victims and recruiting new members. I heard they don't even get paid, dumb bitch! Copyright 2020 CVLT Nation. The two others were a male Constanzo was also profiled in the documentary Instinto Asesino, which aired on Discovery en Espaol in 2010. Soon he took over the ranch and its operations. When the driver got out of the car, he seemed surprised that the officers were arresting him. Constanzo led the cult with Sara Aldrete, whom followers nicknamed "The Godmother" (La Madrina). Two days later investigators called in a hypnotist in the hope of turning up some clues. He convinced several high-level drug kingpins that he could cast spells to make them invisible to law enforcement and that his clairvoyance could tell them which days to move their product safely.