
joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin d

But what's really interesting is that, you know, the the very receptor that this sars-cov-2 virus binds to to gain entry into the cell, it's called E to that very receptor plays a really important role in preventing lung damage and and basically and preventing acute lung injury, preventing acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS. So he doesn't believe in you can't wear like swimsuits or anything in this on him. Like to get a wub strap because the strap was no problem at all. So now, what is the speculation, if there's any sort of uniform speculation as to why when you hear about prisons, where a lot of these prisoners I don't know if you've seen that there's a video going around where one prisoner had SA sars-cov-2, covid-19 or whatever and spitting into a cup and then passing it around to all these other inmates so they could all get it so that they get released. It's on a tent. RELATED: Joe Rogans Morning Kale Shake Recipe. But like in general, like people have different immune systems. It's like the number one choking popcorn is like the number one choking. I am like calmer, I'm more relaxed. I don't know what what the cases. Like I've I've been I've made a career about talking about sonas, you know, and I just got one like last month. And so there's been some studies by the CDC on the on sars-cov-2 where they found basically that people that are infected with SA sars-cov-2 also boost their antibodies against the the common cold one. It's been shown to people. I am so much less stressed. Because when you cook a brisket like you cook a preschooler to ten thousand nine to 20, the headaches, I think is a sign that you've pushed it too hard. You get your plasma levels of vitamin C up to 90, you take five hundred. And I think you can really focus and concentrate on an actual thing that you could be proactive about during this weird time. But like like biology is always way more complicated than just a simple taking it out of a big picture. I've gone places and forgot it in a panic like fuck. But there's so many people that are just the sky is falling. It's neurogenesis, it helps already existing neurons survive. Now it's like, you know, did you realize how much work being a mom was for you? Salt it's so. Right. I mean like not being able to breathe. That's amazing too. There's so fucking stupid, because you've got to realize these people that are writing these lists, these are not experts. So you're basically like you're you're becoming adapted. I don't know the names changed or not but I thought that was so awesome because she named it after like the sona because the truth comes out, you just start talking like, yeah, start you know, it's intense. I monitor that are offering. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I test everyone that comes in here. So so then I found out I was pregnant and so I was like, OK, well, I can't go back to the dentist. Oh, pull it up, Jamie. Look at this, athletics, badminton, singles, throwing a baseball, softball, BMX riding, canoeing, singles crabbing. So take an important step for your family today. When you buy hardwood, they saw the wood, they take the pellets from that sawdust and they compress that sawdust and make these pellets. The economy, again, like now, maybe like everyone could wear a mask if they're going to be inside around a bunch of people other better than keeping the economy better than keeping the economy close. I was a Osterholm, right? Yeah, it's really it's so horrible. It's the only bourbon with balls. Ascorbic acid is the oxidized form and hydrogen peroxide is generated, which is really interesting because it's one of the mechanisms by which at least it's thought that intravenous vitamin C kills cancer cells. Right. In this clip, Dr. Roger Seheult and Dr. Rhonda Patrick discuss how vitamin D levels might affect the renin-angiotensin-system and how this relates to COVID-19 outcomes. You know, you have more skin exposed. You do when you say it. Yeah. And I would get on the mechanism. It's so simple and it's so delicious because it's just fire and wood. But anyways, I had people coming up to me going, I love your podcasts. That's why everyone fucks off for holidays twice a year. I miss it. I mean, my mom, my mom and my dad, I got my whole family. And so, yeah, I have some grey hairs, it grey hairs. That's big. What about an advanced health care directive and what's a power of attorney? And it's like a big show. The study started at six months and they chewed this side. So I came across this xylitol toothpaste and say, well, this is my little toothpaste. Right. But then they went back a week later and 10 of those people had symptoms and three were asymptomatic. They were around for three years already. And when you say what is the methodology like, what are they using? They've been shown to prevent muscle atrophy. And, you know, if they're not getting enough sun, they're not getting enough sun because people stay inside, more people stay inside. But it shouldn't be you shouldn't be scared to do it because that's what's going to protect that area. There's like an antioxidant effect in the lungs, like things like that. Hey since you're using that to justify disparaging it, you should explain to everyone here how all of that is pertinent to this study specifically. So you hook yourself into it and you just lift your back everything that I'm scared to do. And that usually, like animal studies show that that can they can stay elevated for like 48 hours after that. It was crazy. Yeah. Did no. So what's interesting is that most people that are sick eating, let's say that people are just eating like five, somewhere between five to nine servings of vegetables or fruits a day. Like it's so great for the mind. Between you and those outside your household, you fucking how have you been like doing comedy bits like. Their actual job is to be around infected people. But another really interesting thing is that people with type of blood, we were also talking about these like blood clots. So he got this antibiotic treatment there, like sent him home a couple of days later, he got some IV treatment. Yeah yeah yeah. But, you know, they had to be doing it for like at least three months. And I would get out and I would go out to the mats out there and just collapse. Right. And they're intubating these people and they're they're doing it. I'll find you know al-Thani and see I was looking for my LPT but I was out because that like helps Karmiel. And it just, you know, it could be more it could be it can lead to death. But this virus doesn't have any symptoms. So I started doing research on xylitol while I was looking for alternatives to stuff like Tom's of Maine. But what is known is that people with type of blood are are less susceptible to contracting covid-19 that's that's definitely known. You know, I'm not going to do it again. Right. And then in Europe and also in North America, this other this other form, the glycine mutant is prominent. Well, there's other things you can do to strengthen that area. Rhonda has mentioned the Nordic Naturals brand on . Wow. They say it with such authority. Promoting strategies to increase healthspan, well-being, cognitive and physical performance through deeper understandings of biology. Eventually I'm like, OK, I got to go back to the dentist because, you know, pregnancy makes your teeth worse. The first thing you could do it at first with no weight. At work. And I think that that I think that eventually there's going to be therapeutics that are identified, you know, not multiple ones maybe. I have I have my son. So I found that really interesting. I just hope I hope that, you know, we can reopen the economy in a very safe manner where we don't have, like, flare ups that, you know, we don't want to be set back to like shelter in place again, like full on. But like before before I was doing the sauna every single day. We're probably going to one of doing that. I mean, New York City got hit pretty hard, but, you know, we have been on lockdown, so that has to be accounted for. So it seems to me the sweet spot you know, and I've been doing it every single day of the quarantine because I have a song in my house. You don't use this on those occasion. I've seen a guy who wears one of those, but he's diabetic. But no, I don't wear glasses. The bottom line is on honesty, that's intravenous. So he gets in over two hundred degrees with a fucking aerodyne bike with oven mitts on this crazy asshole is riding in Aerodyne. He's like, it'll start to heal. It yes. Right. There's been studies African-Americans are severely deficient. Like, you know, I've just I've got like a bad oral microbiome or something that I've just for four years or I don't know, I shouldn't have cavities because I don't eat sugar. Again, I can't say enough good things about them. Yeah, for Jamie, can you pull up filmi fitness and there's a vitamin C topic page so that we I can answer that question better because there's just there's a graph if you just like scroll to the graph, there's like all this is on your website, which tell everybody I found my fitness dotcom vitamin C or episode page of the podcast. Then I was put in a bunch of water on a nose breathing big, long, deep nose. And but, you know, there certain times of the year, depending on where you live and a more northern latitude where that UVB isn't even hitting the atmosphere. Some athletes prefer the ice baths versus cryotherapy, even though it's probably more painful because it lasts a lot longer. I really think you are awesome to talk to. Yet. Right. Yeah, I'm hoping that the accuracy of the PCR test improves. That's it. So the xylitol gum somehow. I think in the next couple of months we'll have more therapeutics than we have right now. Like I was hot as fuck, right? It's like this like and now I'm, I'm guarantee you it's just pure form and all kinds of things need to do more. I'm sorry. They're not just making whiskey. And then potentially, you know, you may have this like non neutralizing antibody that could cause problems. And what's interesting is that there's been tons of like genetic studies done on like, you know, identical twins and they're followed over time. So I think, you know, for for people that don't have access to a sauna, that hot baths absolutely are a good a model for heat stress. But like, I know that it's going to help with muscle atrophy. You'll peak at around five hours after. And that's been shown. And unfortunately, coronavirus is one like this has been identified with the sars-cov-2 one virus. It's called Wei on therapy. And then, so then the next day I would like look forward to doing it to see if I could do it easier again. It's not like, you know, drugs. So I got my data back pretty, pretty recent and I still hover around 50 nanograms per ml, even though before I was taking 4000 it didn't. I like love. Yeah. It wasn't just something that you could like you're mentioning, but, you know, at the time of getting it also the respiratory illness connection, there have been correlation studies out of Finland showing that people actually, I think the study was men, only men that do use this on a two to three times a week. Like there was a time when I would you know, like I lived in in Oakland. And I got that fucker right. No, you just associate with obesity. Soft martial arts taichi choung not in groups Chee Kong. It's been like compared like twenty five minutes in the sauna. And then there's two different ones that are responsible for the common cold. Is that going to look him up? Like you're. So that's that's the thing right there, the machine. Oh yeah. Yes. It's all just decompressing the back. It was, it was like, OK, now, now we're cooking and I was sweating up a storm. You're hanging by your ankles and decompressing your spine. I'm not sure if it's because I didn't have the hot before, you know, beforehand, like the hubbing hot and like getting in the cold shower. Yeah. It's a not a natural human inclination. I remember like after show like you chew gum right. But now I've been able to run that last hill. Written By. What if what if, you know, some some common cold coronavirus has gone around and that, you know, those antibodies that they've made to neutralize that coronavirus beta coronavirus are somehow helping with the sars-cov-2 like. So it doesn't make sense. It's an awesome company, folks, and they're there right now. Barroso, Laird, Hamilton, Laird, I talk, but like I was about to, like, go to one of his I was like literally going to get on a plane and go to Hawaii. We were doing a cleaning, you know, dental hygiene thing. But the problem is, is that we don't go outside anymore. It's like my tea. Trager and the Trager Day Sale goes from May, May 15th, which is tomorrow to well, you'll get this today, May 15th, May 17, 20 percent off all Rob's sauces and liners. So there's lots of things. Yeah. Right. My wife had one of those before we had a sauna. I've I'm it's pretty interesting. I have one friend who he did have had tightness in his chest, but he actually was in outside of like in December. That's your base. So it's like but I have so I started doing I started reading about this stuff and like, I don't want to like the treatments were like Bonzo's. And that's the same. Certain things will spike it worse than others. And I definitely like my diet. But I did sleep, you know, because I was I was sleep deprived. Oh, positive. I don't like to me lowering lowering the duration of the common cold by forty percent versus lowering it by twenty eight percent. All right. I noticed it. The same is not true of monthly and single doses. Do you. She's a she was she had done her I think her PhD, either her, I don't know, say psychology, but she had done it with a guy I interviewed on the podcast, Dr. Charles Rosen, who is he's the guy who showed that like a single hypothermic treatment, which was with a device that raised the core body temperature like almost three degrees, could have an antidepressant effect. It's like they're concerned, I mean, about that and completely trying to, like, figure that all out. But here's the other interesting thing is that if you don't take it multiple times throughout the day, you only take it once. Vitamin D3 But if you give mice vitamin D before that happens, the two receptor increases and it protects them from the lung injury. But I just think the data strong. Popcorn will spike it really bad. I don't know all the specifics of that. So heat, shock proteins which do like amazing. So there was it's like it was trending that acetate was better trending, meaning was non significant, although it was like forty percent versus twenty eight percent. It doesn't do anything to the two receptor levels. And can you take too much vitamin D? It's different than like vitamin C, you know, normal vitamin C, you do need you need to get it from your diet. And what's found is that genetics is not the major regulator of immune function. So, you know, I think that that the heat stress in the sauna does help. What doesn't I'm going to move to a place where it's better because I think the way this this state is handling it is fucking terrible. But then again, it was a different shower. Someone like someone asked me about the elderberry. So you can get all the leg work that you get from squats, but you don't get the pressure on the desks. I wasn't I wasn't aware of the meat packing, one being asymptomatic, but I did read about the one in prison. My mom is like, you know, she's Nana. They're twenty eight times more deficient in vitamin D than than Caucasians. Her multivitamin alone contains 2,0010IU of vitamin D. In the past, she has stated the vitamin D brand she uses is Thorne D3 which offers 5,000iu and 1,000iu capsules. Under normal circumstances, this is very important. And they're like whipping each other with like Birchwood, you know, which is ranch's. I know it's hard though. It was like from the waist down. Legal Zoom Where Life Meets Legal. OK, what am I trying to measure here? That means everything is probably fine because it's such an enormous part of your body. 3. But so fluoride fluoride has been shown. RELATED: Dr. Rhonda Patricks Fish Oil Protocol. I do. There's a couple of things antibody binds to the virus and can basically change its confirmation and allow the virus to get into the cell better. That's a theory that hasn't been shown. Their levels were 50 percent higher over baseline and which is great. Well, no, I think what's actually the sauna is actually just it's improving your immune system. But can you measure he talks about team the bath versus. Quercetin I use a day. Well, people get sexual, too, because it's hot and sweaty. And and there's a there's like a theory going around because that specific region, it's been shown in sars-cov-2 one to cause antibody dependent enhancement. I mean, they're cold and grumpy, I'm sure. And so if you look at these these common cold studies, there's like randomized meta analysis, randomized controlled trials, an analysis of them. She is credited with finding the beneficial range of Vitamin D with regards to sleep and a bunch of other disorders related to a hormonal deficiency. And doctors, they varied in how they approached it. I don't even know if there are older companies, but they've been distilling whiskey since 1773. It's called the DEA. My dentist is a really great and he did an X-ray. But it was like just mostly just tightness. So what happens when you take them? Well, it's just they say things that they don't really know what the fuck they're talking about. So that's at least that was the mechanism that was shown with Sajko one. But my personal favorite is like a nice twenty five minute hundred and eighty. You can pick up Dr. Rhonda Patricks Vitamin D3 supplement on Amazon. Like if you want, you're trying to like, see what effect vitamin C has on whatever outcome you're going to want to weight raise someone's plasma levels. Well, there's a girl there's a girl using that. And it's horrible. And there are people with different variations in genes that are related to vitamin D metabolism where they have lower levels and they need a higher dose. So he was like, got it. But you can go to Buffalo Trace website and take the virtual tour online. I don't know if it was like placebo or not, but like B 12 is a big impact on your ability to do work. But, you know, that's another possibility for sure. But the whole the thing that I just think that I would like to see more research and I'm just hoping, you know, that that CDC and other people are investigating these these other the cross community. So, I mean, that's the there is there is a push for looking, but not all depressed patients have. And like, I like he's a tech guy. So you take 200 milligrams. Like, I don't think that's odd. The intravenous vitamin C is a completely different game because it literally generates hydrogen peroxide. I can't say enough good things about this grill. So there's a lot of people in the United States, as you mentioned, you make it from the sun. It was Nuru. Yes, sure. So yeah, unless you're immunocompromised, but most people that are healthy, they don't know, you know, that they're infected with it. It's insane. So having lower levels may somehow even help protect against. My friends, thank you so much. So you're not getting any vitamin D. Yeah. And then he would go without breathing for multiple seconds. You know, who wants to wear a mask, but maybe to open up the. But there is some actual legitimate research elderberry like has been shown in randomised controlled trials to like effect know the immune system and lower cold duration and stuff like that, you know. You do this his own home, Sana, you know. Maybe the way you do the song, like, how are you doing a sauna? And so as you get older, your your T cell population becomes more focused on fighting that virus and less so on other viruses that you're exposed to. They're more scared that they could be affected by a severe, you know, case of this. Well, thankfully, you don't have to figure out everything on your own. I certainly like, you know, you said so, you know, take that with a grain of salt as well. Over 180. And I'm like for a little bit it's going to be nighttime soon. But but I know I'm sorry to interrupt you, but do you believe it's important to take it orally as well as I.V.? Everybody always told me that they're all sick all the time, that people like their military. Scroll down. So physical activity was like the king. All we're hearing is shelter in place, wear a mask, don't touch anybody. Right. Twenty five minutes on a stationary bike and same things are happening, you know, like blood pressure goes down afterwards, heart rate variability improves, you know, so same things are happening. And now that business is crushed. Yes. It was actually lack of sleep. Four percent of patients that died from covid-19 were vitamin D ERSEK four percent, only four percent were vitamin D sufficient. You're really sweating up a storm in there. So they're using that. So I was doing all chemistry stuff, organic chemistry and like chemistry. Yeah. Right. To get an outcome. So people love to dismiss things, don't they? So with that that lady right there in that image, she's holding onto those handles. So the point is that I think that I know people don't want to wear masks. That's very interesting. All right. And he was like, you wouldn't be able to breathe in that temperature, would it? You know, if the virus is like right in your nostrils, I don't know, maybe. And since 1995, Harlan has been distilling at Buffalo Trace and he makes some fantastic whiskey. You're not going to leave. So there's something so there. So the heat shock proteins directly can activate urinate immune system, but they also have antiviral activity against influenza virus. And you feel like it's like room temperature because you were just in this ice bath. are leucadendron poisonous to cats,

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joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin d
