
is second dose of suprep easier

AND if you have the misfortune to have a relative who had colon cancer you can look forward to doing this every 2-5 years. Take it the same way as the first dose by mixing it with Gatorade , Ginger Ale, or Sprite . I hope we hear back from you: That you had a clean colonoscopy. I was up and in the bathroom every hour or two throughout the night. If you go to REI and buy the water bottle for outdoor survival it has the multi filters to filter anything out of bad water Or as I like to show you can put coke or Pepsi in it and it comes out clear!!! group recommends splitting the dose of colonoscopy bowel preps. If youre wanting to quit early, just remind yourself the prep is the hardest part! Any type of solid matter passed very quickly, and soon it was just yellowish water. 6,12,14 Low-volume 2-L PEG preparations such as HalfLytely (which includes bisacodyl) and MoviPrep (which contains ascorbic acid) are also alternatives to full-volume regimens. New split-dose preps. I tell all my friends that the prep and colonoscopy are worth the trouble. So I took the extra jug home and was going to do it again but I started developing pain, pain that kept me up all night. Im eaten orange popsicles only. But I have zero trust in the medical profession. Try taking a handful of antibiotic before a twice yearly dental exam. I imagine it helps, otherwise why do you have to take it twice? My biggest concern is the anaesthesia. From solid food to liquid. (703) 548-1225, For full functionality of this page it is necessary to. I am writing this review for people out there like me who have medical anxiety. You can do it! the one question I could find an answer to was: how long after taking a split dose of Colyte will I be able to sleep? I forced myself to drink it. The description of a clear liquid diet is as follows: At 6 p.m., pour one bottle of Suprep into plastic cup provided in kit, fill with cold water to the 16 oz. Get the latest in health news delivered to your inbox! A previous failed prep. Read some, watched a movie, finished my prep, and occasionally had a squirt of water. I had to take breaks and sip. Have a glass of water at the ready first of all. I can confidently say I will never do this again. If you are having difficulty tolerating the Suprep, you must consult with the surgery. I stopped the high fiber foods, nuts, raw veggies, etc 5 days ago. So it has been about 12 years since I have had to do the prep. The worst part is the taste. The days of downing a gallon of laxative in one dose are gone. The current data are limited to MSS (microsatellite-stable) and stage IV CRC patients. between each 8 oz. Finally, we agree with you 100%: It can feel stressful preparing for a colonoscopy, but it is definitely less daunting than worrying if you have colon cancer for years to come. The first dosage i could not keep down. Any suggestions or thoughts? I took the pills, so taste was not an issue. By morning I was furious. Pour one (1) 6-ounce bottle of SUPREP liquid into the mixing container. Follow that up with five 8oz cups of water that you drink at your own pace over the next few hours. At the 2nd appt, he could only remove one and had to leave the 2nd for later as it was too close to the first. I also used a big straw and put it as far as possible without choking on it. The opinions expressed in WebMD User-generated content areas like communities, reviews, ratings, or blogs are solely those of the User, who may or may not have medical or scientific training. Had a wonderful breakfast afterwards. It took me about 35 minutes to drink all 16 oz's. He is still with us but its an ugly fight, I thank God he hasnt quit and still finds the strength each and every day to continue to fight. ")Read More Read Less. What you choose to eat and drink can make or break your colonoscopy prep experience. Although you need to take both bottles of SUPREP, you should not take them close together. One of the best things I did to make the prep taste better was to drink a Peppermint Tea, just a few sips before drinking the prep. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Instead, you'll take one the night before your exam, and the other the morning of your exam. The real trouble began with the second dose, which happened at 1:00 am: I got quite nauseous, I lost all control of my bowel, had multiple accidents, was up all night, my husband was up all night helping me, and at one point he had t. o come in the bathroom with rubber gloves and bleach to clean up. Accidentally Took Mucinex DM While Pregnant, I Accidentally Took 2 Claritin In 24 Hours, All Allergenic Extracts for Diagnosis of Food Allergy: FDA Safety Communication -FDA Requires Warning about Anaphylaxis Following False Negative Food Allergen Skin Test Results in the Prescribing Information, Pharmedica USA LLC Issues Voluntary Worldwide Recall of Purely Soothing 15% MSM Drops Due to Non-Sterility, Apotex Corp. Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Brimonidine Tartrate Ophthalmic Solution, 0.15% Due to Cracks that Have Developed in Some of the Units Caps of the Bottles, Getinge/Maquet Cardiohelp System: Potential Insufficient Packaging Sterility with HLS Set Advanced - Letter to Health Care Providers. At 5pm the day before my event, during the clear liquid diet day I took dose 1 of the Plenvu. Thank you for encouraging people to forge on with their colonoscopies, even when challenges arise along the way! Thursday night its 1 pouch of Prepopik followed by another one 6am Friday. I have to take the second dose in the morning but I don't expect any problems. If your MD recommends it, get a new doctor. Probably too late at this point but I cannot speak highly enough for the duclolax/miralax with Gatorade combo. Thanks so much for all the great tips! Hey your also going to loose a few pounds! Lots of trips to the bathroom but by 10:00 I went to bed. Pretty uneventful, they prepped me, took me to where the procedure was to be done, said ok were going to give you the good stuff now, next I knew I was in the recovery room, where they said the found and removed one small polyp. Thank you, Judy! I wanted to post my experience because this page helped me tremendously before undergoing my first colonoscopy/endoscopy. 64 oz. Pour the SECOND 6 ounce bottle of SuPrep liquid into the mixing container. Three procedures btwn Oct and June. I take the first bottle at 6:00 PM Thursday and the second bottle 4:15 AM the day of my scope (check in time is 9:15 AM). Also, mention your teeth sensitivity to cold, so they can help you choose a prep that works for you. The taste was ok. A little salty but also a little sweet. After your colonoscopy, go easy on what you eat. Ive had At least 5-6 colonoscopies . I have an endoscopy/ colonoscopy combo scheduled in a couple weeks and am obsessing about the potential for problems and/or flares. I haVe nothing but liquids today and yesterday was light and for the previous week low fiber diet. Keep in mind that its important to continue with a good diet before and after the colonoscopy! Colonoscopy revealed all good - not even a polyp, and this was after a positive Cologuard test (but that's another story. Drink it cold and slow. How did this prep work for you? This prep is one that has been modified a bit over the years but works really well and is far less difficult to tolerate than the (IMO) antiquated Golytely and Magnesium Citrate type preps. thank you for sharing!!! of course it does, so why hasnt anybody worked on inventing such a way to clean out the colon? I started the dosing at 8:30pm, it took 2 hours and the pooping stopped an hour and a half after my last dose. Suprep is a mixture of Sodium, potassium, and magnesium sulfate solution used to clean out the intestines before a certain bowel exam procedure (colonoscopy). But I awoke and ended up sitting on the toilet for what felt like hours and might have been, I started to feel like I was going to faint/die and my son ended up coming in and holding me up from falling off the toilet and fed me water until I got the strength to get to my bed. Way to go ahead and get this done! A colonoscopy is a procedure where a colonoscope (a thin, flexible tube) is inserted into the colon and guided all the way through to the cecum (where the colon begins and the small bowel ends). Apparently you can get a numbing gel/cream to put on your hand to help minimize the pain, but Id have had to ask for and get that in advance, and didnt know that. I dont know why banana, but trust me. Probably not, but one thing is sure: any gastroenterologist that insists on this prep has no credibility with me. Before putting the Miralax powder into the bottle, you will need to pour a small amount of the liquid out to prevent it from overflowing. Good luck to all. Also did learn that I could have asked for the prep where you only drink like 2-12oz bottles of a different prep and then sub in your own drinks in between. Then, I had ginger ale ready for the follow up chaser of glass one 16 oz. I mixed it with smart water then drank 32oz of liquids over the next 2 hrs. But I got it down both times within about 20-25 minutes. I plan to drink another half gallon at 1:00 AM and get to the hospital (a one hour drive) at 7:45 for the procedure. Store the medicine in a closed container at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and direct light. Used apple juice as a chaser with each sip. "Things have changed a lot in the past 10 years," says Dr. Catherine Cheney, a gastroenterologist at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Im 48 and had my first colonoscopy yesterday. Suprep w water guzzled w ice. You wont regret it! Thank you so very much for sharing. Does anyone have any advice? If I did not cleanse out so well he would have never seen it. Have you spoken with your primary doctor about the issue of the opiate induced constipation? Best wishes! But, it took me 2.5 hours to drink the first dose. The SuPrep I took last time, not very diligently, did not work. I had to drink half a gallon within two hours of the laxative.Haha yea that didnt happen. Also any hunger you feel goes away once you are bloated and full of the prep and water and spending time in the bathroom. The procedure was so quick- they put the stuff in my IV, I as asleep before they put in the second vial. In spite of not following the prep timing, I had no issues with my bowel not being clean. The nurse acted like I was an idiot when I told her that I dont drink juice, soda or koolaid and I needed a better solution. Suprep is not that bad at all! Im not sure I can subsist on a diet of mineral water and chicken broth for two days. Drink 32 ounces of water over the next hour. In fact, hes hardly all. *sigh*. I would recommend an adult diaper for the trip to the hospital for your appointment, it will save you going to a hospital bathroom every 5 seconds just in case. Im 55- everything was clean as a whistle (I eat pretty healthy and drink a lot of kefir), and I am good for ten years. Great job getting screened! We cannot give healthcare advice. Your physician has recommended a SUPREP split dose (two-day) regimen. No colonoscopy prep has ever caused me to stay up all night, lose all control, or have nausea. We appreciate your authenticity and that you shared your experience KNOWING that colonoscopy prep is not a joy, but something that absolutely needs to be done. I typically take 2 of these enemas in the early evening. this is the same procedure I used. Not terrible. I just took another Ducolax and Im taking another in an hour. I go in tomorrow and Im freaking out big time right now I have 2 hrs before start the day before procedures and know the chances of getting a reply today is slim to none! These were tips given to my by the nurse in the office from what she has collected for patientstrust me, makes a big difference. So, my advice for people is, relax, your body knows what to do, let it do it and breathe and have a cool cloth and a fan near by. I pushed back as I was worried about having an accident on the way in, and was told to do 5 pm and midnight. But the prep sucks. Hi Dianna: We are unable offer medical advice on getting a colonic vs. traditional methods of bowel prep or the use of peppermint oil, and we encourage you and others to speak with your medical provider about whether either is an option. But hold on!! Hope everything turned out OK. I know one thing the clean out is not as bad as what it use to be.. Thank you again for sharing your experience. Jello and broth(was told I had the cleanest Colon he had ever saw). I was just 20 years old. Mag citrate at 2pm, lots of liquids, then 4 senna tablets that I crushed up and added to Powerade zero; then lots of liquids, at 7 pm I took 4 dulcolax pills that I crushed up and added to protein enhanced water. Suprep did not. I will never drink this again. It is a PITA pun intended. The procedures at 1pm so I imagine that will be my last drink. Get a mental picture in your mind of a Suprep sign with a BIG RED X through it! We are so glad you had a good experience this time around. You can reach your physician's office at: 760.783.0441 My advice skip the straw and gulp down in two big gulps. AI avoided headache and drinking all that nasty prep beverage! I would bite into a piece after each drink and it took away any bad taste in my mouth from the prep drink. PLUS, the latest news on medical advances and breakthroughs from Harvard Medical School experts. Of course strict Covid check in, then a short wait. Im a tiny woman. No one seems to answer questions on this site, but here goes . You can have all things liquid so long as they arent red, purple, or orange. Think Ill be okay? I was a little nervous about the procedure, but I didnt feel or remember anything. No major adjustment; thats how I eat. Hi Haley: Awesome job of advocating for yourself and handling your prep like a pro and sharing your tips! Theres a great tea that is Spearmint and Peppermint, a Tazo Tea. I had my procedure yesterday and started the prep the day before that. The second does requires you to get up around 1:00 a.m., and from that point on I had no control of my bowels whatsoever. Colonoscopies save lives. By 9:00 things settled down and I was able to shower and hit the road for my procedure shortly before 10:00. I have a history of vasovagal episodes so my last prep I was nervous, my prep took 6 hours to kick in so I thought it was going to be easy breezy. I told her I asked for a short form prep. She asked me what I like to drink. I hope others find this comforting. You could also reach out to Dulcolax (under Contact Us Call 1-866-844-2798 (MF 8am6pm) Took suprep at 6PM. NEVER AGAIN! Im a small figure who ways 95lb and my body reacts quickly with laxatives and anything that doesnt sit well in my stomach. Piece of Cake. My question is this: The nurse gave me the option to either stay up late and clear or wake up early and clear. Is the second bottle of Suprep mandatory? Im a 60 year old man that went of my first colonoscopy last Tuesday. Its Halloween night and just finished my prep. Well I had my first colonoscopy and endoscopy in 2016. I followed the Suprep kits instructions except I used 10 oz. every 15 minutes. I could have written what you wrote. I am 37 years old and I was sent for my first colonoscopy at age 35 after having some blood in my stool. So, believe in yourself and go get it done. A ginger hard candy or lemon slice may be helpful. They no liquid intake after midnight for a 9:00 AM arrival time. Seriously Diarrhea Yes, but not out of the ordinary. between each 8 oz. 1st time for colonoscopy (51 years old) tomorrow (6/29). Once I turned on my side, the meds were added and I was out in seconds. dose) or two 4.5-oz doses of Suprep (3/4 of the Suprep adult dose) administered orally as a 2- . Done drinking by 7:30pm. I was worried the suprep was not working. Started prep at 5. First time never having candy on Halloween! My appt. 1st Colonoscopy I threw up constantly, but the test came back great, even tho I couldnt finish the prep. I'm able to go to bed at a reasonable hour without any urgency to run to the toilet. Do the prep and get your colon checked! Hi Craig: Thank you for your comment. I would bite into a piece after each drink and it took away any bad taste in my mouth from the prep drink. Years ago, my cousin had one and was traumatized so much that I chickened out. All rights reserved. But they can also become somewhat desensitized to procedures (such as colonoscopy) that they routinely perform. I will request Suprep when I have my next Colonoscopy. Was really hoping I could stop now that things are clear but reading around guess not. Generic name is Glycolax. I started googling because the pain went to my lower right quadrant. . Not really the gummy bears, but definitely lighter food and probiotics to help your gut bacteria grow. Work together to figure out a prep that will work for you. No pain, no cramping, no near misses, nothing other than just realizing you need to go. Prep clean-out day on Saturday and eat nothing Sunday? I found the comments here very helpful, and wanted to share my experiences, reiterating what I found useful from other folks. I am 30 this is my second colonoscopy and endoscopy. Hopefully my results are ok. For laxatives it does depend on ones body. I was shocked at the cost. Most of first dose gone in about 3 hours with a few residual squirts through, the evening and early morning. He has had colonoscopies each year for the past three years, and he hates the prep every time he has to do it. I couldnt stand up. Im not in great shape right onw, either physically nor emotionally, and there would be no one to attend to me, or help me keep my perspective, either before or after ANY procedure. Ive just now had a good experience. I have a routine colonoscopy scheduled for Monday but I have something I have to do on Sunday night, I cant get out of, and which might leave me with inconsistent bathroom access. This prep, it is the most disgusting tasting substance I have ever tried . Its now 6:30 pm, I am more than half way through the prep liquid and still no movement people please pray for me!!! Due to the carbonation in the Sprite, I could not drink it fast and it tasted terrible! Everything I read says prepare for massive diarrhea voiding. I stocked up on broths, jello, white grape juice, lemon Italian ice and green tea and treated myself to some new books, and I organized my prep. We are huge blot, dont wipe fans here. The next morning was easier because I was already pretty much cleaned out, so maybe 5 trips to the bathroom. I wish I could offer some helpful advice but the one time I did suprep it went disastrously bad and I heaved the second dose up within moments after downing it. I know my insurance company was not happy with the 1.2 mill they put out to keep me alive! You should avoid red meat, "heavy" foods, fried foods, fiber-filled foods and anything that is red. The procedure finds polyps and removes them before they turn into cancer. We wish you continued good health, and thank you again for taking time to encourage people to get their colonoscopies! Finally, we agree that the prep is a barrier to some, and that is why we are thankful there are screening options that do not require prep, such as a stool-based test and blood-based screening. Applying these barrier creams/ointments to a wet site will trap the moisture inside, potentially causing the irritation to be worse. My dog has been somewhat uncaring about this and insists that I need to be successful with the prep but, its becoming apparent to me that this isnt going to happen. We all have no stomach. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Think this is enough prep for tomorrow?? $$$$$. Have you had a discussion with your GI about your inability to have a successful prep? *Please do NOT mix your solution more than 24 hours before you are going to start drinking it. Add cool water to the 16 oz. Yes, there are risks, yes I had complications albeit very rare, but I am a believer that these are beneficial and Im getting my second colonoscopy tomorrow. Everything Ive heard about the prep is the night before, and I know that once I start the Miralax mixture, I should expect to be in the bathroom all the time. Yesterday and early today I had only soft non fiber foods such as pasta and white bread, mashed potatoes w/no skins (those are the best part, but I left them out) I also ate less, very small servings I figured less in would mean less out! Still take the second dose at 10pm. I knew that something was wrong and it was. Shift work can harm sleep and health: What helps? Ha! Makes things very easy. All Rights Reserved, Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. I vomited ALL of the second dose an hour after I took it. I downed first dose at 6 PM and was done three hours later. My elimination looked like chicken broth at that point. First dose went well. I have taken my linzess 290 and 1 hour later a Senokot, hopefully to correct my guilty mistake. I have awful gastric reflux and feel the endoscopy is well worth the test, but I dont know I can handle the prep again for the colonoscopy. It is very important that you complete the recommended dose of Suprep. It is so great to hear when someone shares ways they successfully navigated prep. It also worked and I had my colonoscopy as I needed, PDQ. You must clean out your colon so the doctor can get a good look at the inside! All clear with a healthy colon (no polyps), and ready to go for another 10 years. I do eat lightly 2 days before the exam and I do a clear liquid diet the day before. Hi i had a bad experience ten years ago with no sedation with a colonespcopy. Having my first colonoscopy and endoscopy at the same time on Friday! This stuff is a living hell, and it will drive people away from getting the screenings they need! He or she will prescribe another prep that is more likely to be successful. I had to wake up at 1:30am to take the zofran and start 2nd prep at 2am with cutting . Second of all, good for you for working to get this colonoscopy accomplished successfully! Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The nurse pressed on my abdomen and got me to breathe and relax. Went to bed and slept soundly, waking once to empty bladder. Sucking on a lemon between the glasses of prep sounds good, too. The newer preps are often lower in volume and divided into two doses, the first taken the night before and the second six hours prior to your procedure. I took the tablets, so taste wasnt an issue, and the first round of pills wasnt too bad. I checked in for my appointment at 7am and went under at 8am.

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