
edgar robinson brother of jackie robinson

We are given no window into his inner turmoil that, as he tells us in his memoir, "I couldn't sleep and often couldn't eat. .mHQYb .p-search__input--icon{position:absolute;top:0.75rem;right:1rem;}/*!sc*/ There are so many inspiring, beautiful stories about the great heroes of American history which are scarcely ever told. That makes you better than an awful lot of people.. When Jackie Robinson started at first base for the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947, he not only integrated Major League Baseball. He and his siblings were left fatherless at an early age, leaving their mother, Mallie Robinson, as the sole support of the children. .ezZJVn:hover{cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ Like hundreds of thousands of other migrants, the Robinson family came West looking for something better. It was my uncle looking forward and trying to learn from my dad.. . .ebrWqN:-moz-loading{color:#f3f3f3;}/*!sc*/ .blUWSx .share-button{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;background:none;border:none;padding:0;cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g156[id="newsletterOptinstyle__Fieldset-sc-d7sh2p-1"]{content:"HQoYx,"}/*!sc*/ Jackie Robinson became known for his fight for civil rights just as much as his fight on the baseball field. The family grew up with just a mother, Mallie Robinson, as they're father, Jerry Robinson, left them after having marriage problems. 02 of 15 Jackie Robinson at UCLA [type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{height:auto;}/*!sc*/ code,kbd,samp{font-family:monospace,monospace;font-size:1em;}/*!sc*/ On April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first African American to play Major League Baseball in the modern era. That makes you better than an awful lot of people. Mallie Robinson (C) poses for a family portrait with her children (L-R) Mack Robinson, Jackie Robinson, Edgar Robinson, Willa Mae Robinson and Frank Robinson circa 1925 in California. We had the Special Olympics World Games in 2015 in Los Angeles, Kathy says. Robinson returned to Pasadena Junior College for a year, then transferred to the University of Oregon. He volunteered for various civic organizations and youth groups, particularly in the troubled section Pasadena where he had grown up. [4]:80 He went on to win the silver medal at the Summer Olympics in Berlin, finishing 0.4 seconds behind Jesse Owens. .mHQYb .header__nav-top > *{-webkit-order:0;-ms-flex-order:0;order:0;-webkit-flex:1 1 auto;-ms-flex:1 1 auto;flex:1 1 auto;}/*!sc*/ Ultimately, though, Mack did decide to go back to school. abbr[title]{border-bottom:none;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;-webkit-text-decoration:underline dotted;text-decoration:underline dotted;}/*!sc*/ .hUHmCp > article .ad-top-right-container,.hUHmCp > article .ad-bottom-right-container{position:relative;margin-bottom:64px;min-height:250px;}/*!sc*/ One day earlier, he had won the long jump with a leap of 8.06 meters. It took the love, fortitude and personal finances of a determined brother to make that statue happen. .mHQYb .mlb-header__login-menu{background:#ffffff;border-top:solid 4px #002867;box-shadow:0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);box-shadow:6px 6px 15px -3px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);left:-99em;opacity:0;padding:10px;position:absolute;right:0;-webkit-transition:opacity 1ms ease 1ms;transition:opacity 1ms ease 1ms;width:160px;z-index:99992;}/*!sc*/ .groqnz{margin-bottom:32px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top .header__nav-top__button-menu--icon span:nth-child(2),.mHQYb .header__nav-top .header__nav-top__button-menu--icon span:nth-child(3){top:8px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item--inner{width:100%;display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-align-content:center;-ms-flex-line-pack:center;align-content:center;position:relative;}/*!sc*/ Mack Robinson attended the University of Oregon, graduating in 1941. And then Id learn how to swivel-hip and sidestep and dart in-between.. Nevertheless, Mack was proud of his brother and what he meant to society. data-styled.g162[id="Styles__NewsletterOptinContainer-sc-10yslsy-0"]{content:"sczZi,"}/*!sc*/ .hHLkAw input::placeholder{color:#aaaaaa;}/*!sc*/ Mack Robinson did admit to the frustration that can come with having an icon within your family ranks. .blLcNM .content .share-btn{-webkit-align-self:flex-end;-ms-flex-item-align:end;align-self:flex-end;margin-left:auto;min-width:32px;position:relative;top:-16px;}/*!sc*/ With new shoes and a little coaching support, Jackie Robinson's brother Mack could have been more famous than his sibling. @media (min-width:768px){.mHQYb .header__subnav--teams__leagues{min-width:600px;}.mHQYb .header__subnav--teams__divisions{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;}.mHQYb .header__subnav--teams__divisions > *{-webkit-flex:1 0 200px;-ms-flex:1 0 200px;flex:1 0 200px;margin-left:0;}}/*!sc*/ Its a bond that is cemented through time.. Matthew MacKenzie "Mack" Robinson (July 18, 1914 March 12, 2000) was an American track and field athlete. .mHQYb body.side-nav-open{position:fixed;overflow:hidden;overscroll-behavior:none;touch-action:none;}/*!sc*/ Mack did not dare dream of reaching the 1936 Summer Olympics. #react-header{width:100%;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top .header__nav-top__button-menu{cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item .icon__nav-item{margin-right:8px;width:18px;height:14px;float:left;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;}/*!sc*/ Jack Robinson Jr., one of baseball star Jackie Robinson's children died in a tragic car crash at 24, but he was survived by his sister Sharon and brother David. data-styled.g145[id="Styles__StickyHeaderContent-sc-1wye7kw-1"]{content:"jbYgiH,"}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top .header__nav-top__button-menu--icon span:nth-child(4){top:16px;}/*!sc*/ @media (min-width:500px){.mHQYb .header__nav-top__secondary-logos{-webkit-flex-basis:60%;-ms-flex-preferred-size:60%;flex-basis:60%;}}/*!sc*/ Robinson's hair began to turn white. .eJdqRG a:hover{color:#0048AB;}/*!sc*/ He was never in fear. He is best known for winning a silver medal in the 1936 Summer Olympics, where he broke the Olympic record in the 200 meters. .mHQYb .p-search-item__image-selector--active{background-color:#4c8cee;}/*!sc*/ Jackie Robinson was so furious over the treatment his oldest brother Edgar received that he refused ever to return to the town. He didn't underestimate the person in the lane next to him, but he was not concerned about whether they were going to beat him or not, says his son Edward. data-styled.g20[id="imagestyle__ImageWrapper-sc-xw1tzz-0"]{content:"evGxub,gkgVOa,cWQXyp,"}/*!sc*/ But only after his mother agreed to sign a waiver relinquishing the school of all responsibility should Macks heart give out. img{border-style:none;}/*!sc*/ .evwvnJ{line-height:1.5;margin:0 auto 16px;max-width:470px;padding-left:0;position:relative;width:-webkit-fit-content;width:-moz-fit-content;width:fit-content;}/*!sc*/ Furthermore, at the 1936 Summer Games (Berlin), Mack tracked Owens to a world record in the 200 m, gaining the silver medal with a 21.1 to Owens' 20.7. .mHQYb .header__subnav__item:hover{background-color:#057AFF;color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ He was not just a great runner but a civic leader and an important mentor to Jackie. Husband of Private. .hspSPq{height:32px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;font-size:13px;-webkit-transition:0.2s;transition:0.2s;border-radius:5px;font-weight:bold;vertical-align:bottom;background-color:#057AFF;border:none;color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ .evGxub{display:inline-block;width:48px;height:48px;border-radius:50%;-webkit-border-radius:50%;overflow:hidden;position:relative;}/*!sc*/ The statue has been paid for, but theres an awful lot of other extra monies that is needed, and Im still working on that phase of it. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-item--mobile-quick-nav .header__nav-top__nav-item--inner{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-webkit-box-pack:start;-webkit-justify-content:flex-start;-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start;height:100%;}/*!sc*/ body.article .ad-top-container{background-color:#f3f3f3;padding:8px 0;min-height:66px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search__input--icon--sm{top:0.5rem;right:0.5rem;}/*!sc*/ #OnThisDay in 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the @MLB color barrier. .hHLkAw input::-webkit-search-decoration,.hHLkAw input::-webkit-search-cancel-button,.hHLkAw input::-webkit-search-results-button,.hHLkAw input::-webkit-search-results-decoration{display:none;}/*!sc*/ And in the semifinals, he tied the new world record Owens had set in his quarterfinals run -- 21.1 seconds. .mHQYb .p-search-item__image-thumbnail--team{margin:0 auto 0 0.25rem;height:40px;width:45px;}/*!sc*/ He raised money for Olympic athletes. @media (min-width:768px){.mHQYb .header__nav-top__secondary-logos{-webkit-flex-basis:75%;-ms-flex-preferred-size:75%;flex-basis:75%;}}/*!sc*/ I am getting awfully tired, he once said, of being referred to just as Jackie Robinson's brother.. @media (min-width:768px){.mHQYb .header__subnav__content{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;}.mHQYb .header__subnav__group:not(:first-child){margin-left:16px;}.mHQYb .header__subnav__group.cols{-webkit-column-count:2;column-count:2;-webkit-column-gap:8px;column-gap:8px;}.mHQYb .header__subnav__item,.mHQYb .header__subnav__group-title{width:100%;}}/*!sc*/ Hitler was among the roughly 100,000 people in the crowd. .mHQYb .mlb-header__login-menu{border-color:#057AFF;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item--parent[aria-expanded='true'] .header__nav-side__nav-item--inner .p-icon *{fill:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ Robinson refused, knowing that buses had . .dMKvOx{line-height:1.2;}/*!sc*/ Those four medals, rubbed in the face of the German Fhrer, were an unprecedented Olympic haul by a track athlete, and Owens has been lionized as a result. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__button-menu{-webkit-flex:0 0 auto;-ms-flex:0 0 auto;flex:0 0 auto;}/*!sc*/ details{display:block;}/*!sc*/ That makes you better than an awful lot of people.\n\nMack and Owens maintained a relationship decades after they finished so close to one another in the 200 meters. .huJzbO{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}/*!sc*/ .fuMUTu rect{fill:#ffffff;stroke:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ .fFwXhn{margin:0;}/*!sc*/ 42 in MLB On October 24, 1972, just over 16 months after losing his son, Robinson Sr. died at his home following a heart attack. That cause became even more important to the family when Brittni Hamilton, the daughter of Macks daughter Kathy, was diagnosed with Leigh syndrome, a severe neurological disorder, at 2 years old. .mHQYb .p-search__list--multiple-type .p-search-item--team + .p-search-item--player:before{border-top:1px solid #ddd;content:'Players';left:10px;right:10px;}/*!sc*/ The two big bronze sculptures in Centennial Square in downtown Pasadena, Calif., are equal in size. edgar robinson brother of jackie robinson He was survived by his wife, Delano, who, prior to her own death in August 2021, continued Macks civic duties in Pasadena. html{font-size:16px;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;}/*!sc*/ The sculptures dont depict their bodies but rather -- tellingly -- only their heads, which no doubt needed to be their strongest assets when they overcame enormous racial and socioeconomic barriers in the pursuit of athletic feats. .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item:focus a{outline:1px dotted #fff;}/*!sc*/ The only time I was noticed was when somebody asked me during an assembly at school if Id race against a horse.. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-logo img,.mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-logo a{height:56px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-container .header__subnav{display:none;pointer-events:none;}/*!sc*/ What award did he get in 1938? @media (min-width:1024px){.mHQYb[data-is-club] .header__nav-top{background-image:linear-gradient( #002D72 50%, #041E42 50% );}.mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-item--parent::after{border-color:transparent transparent #057AFF;}.mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-item--current{border-color:#057AFF;}}/*!sc*/ @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active),(-ms-high-contrast:none){.mHQYb .header__nav-top__url-logo{height:30px;}.mHQYb .header__nav-top__url-logo img{min-height:30px;height:auto !important;}.mHQYb .header__nav-top__tagline img{width:100%;}}/*!sc*/ button:-moz-focusring,[type="button"]:-moz-focusring,[type="reset"]:-moz-focusring,[type="submit"]:-moz-focusring{outline:1px dotted ButtonText;}/*!sc*/ button::-moz-focus-inner,[type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner,[type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner,[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner{border-style:none;padding:0;}/*!sc*/ Jackie Robinson was raised by his single mother, Mallie Robinson in a household with his four siblings Mack, Edward, Frank, and Willa. Though confined to a wheelchair, Brittni has been able to keep Macks spirit intact by carrying on the support of the Special Olympics.\n\nWe had the Special Olympics World Games in 2015 in Los Angeles, Kathy says. [Mack] had genuine love for his brother. memorial page for Edgar Robinson (26 Sep 1910-10 Jan 1994), Find a Grave Memorial ID 119962069, citing Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, Los Angeles County . .mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-logo,.mHQYb .header__nav-top__url-logo{padding-left:20px;-webkit-box-pack:end;-webkit-justify-content:flex-end;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g101[id="styles__SearchWidgetButton-sc-1vorjk3-1"]{content:"cwEpxl,"}/*!sc*/ But on April 18th, 1946, Roosevelt Stadium marked the debut of Jackie Robinson. .kKeedG{color:#057AFF;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;border-bottom:none;font-family:"proxima-nova","open Sans","Helvetica","Arial",sans-serif;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item__link{width:100%;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;padding:14px;}/*!sc*/ These were the intimidating conditions Mack Robinson encountered when he arrived to Berlin. LETTER JACKIE ROBINSON TO PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY FEBRUARY 9, 1961 [table striped="true" responsive="true"] During the 1960 Presidential campaign an angry exchange occurred between JFK's "kid brother" Bobby Kennedy and Robinson after it became clear the latter would not support John Kennedy for election. .blLcNM .content >:nth-last-child(2){border:none;margin-right:auto;padding-right:48px;}/*!sc*/ Other Robinsons. In his later years, Mack put his time and money toward ensuring Jackie was properly celebrated. .mHQYb .mlb-header__login-menu__link:hover{background-color:#057AFF;color:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ .blLcNM{display:grid;grid-template-columns:repeat(12,1fr);grid-gap:24px;font-size:1rem;}/*!sc*/ Robinson died of complications from diabetes, kidney failure, and pneumonia, on March 12, 2000, at a hospital in Pasadena, California; he was 85. Following his retirement from baseball in 1957, Robinson often appeared with Martin Luther King at rallies, fundraising events, and demonstrations. My dad had a thing about always racing, his son Wayne says. And each depicts a sports hero. And once again, racism reared its ugly head. Mack, though, was right behind Owens in the 200, finishing in 21.1 seconds to beat the Netherlands Tinus Osendarp (21.3 seconds) for the silver. City of Pasadena honor brothers Mack and Jackie Robinson. In addition to the Pasadena Robinson Memorial, the stadium of Pasadena City College was dedicated to him in 2000. And I stayed in shape.. button,[type="button"],[type="reset"],[type="submit"]{-webkit-appearance:button;}/*!sc*/ [2][3], He placed second in the 200 meters at the United States Olympic Trials in 1936, earning himself a place on the Olympic team. @media (min-width:768px){body.article .ad-top-container{min-height:106px;}}/*!sc*/ .kwDmpG{display:block;font-weight:500;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search-item a{bottom:0;position:absolute;width:100%;}/*!sc*/ How did he come to be memorialized in Pasadena with a tribute every bit as big as the one afforded a baseball icon? But when Jackie was still living, his impact was not yet fully appreciated. Its a bond that is cemented through time.","type":"markdown"},{"__typename":"PhotoPart","caption":"Mack Robinson sharing his 1936 Olympic 200 Meters Silver Medal, with his son Wayne in July 1968. The Robinsons experienced a lot of racism growing up in Pasadena, the University of Oregon says. Mack regularly showed up at Pasadena City Hall to raise issues that were important to him. Brother of Edgar Robinson; Mack Robinson; Willa Mae Walker and Jackie Robinson. Property was limited to whites-only in certain neighborhoods, and the community pool and the YMCA were off-limits to Black families. If you dont know the name Matthew Mack Robinson, its because he lived his life in the shadows of two of the most famous figures in the history of American sports. data-styled.g147[id="Styles__MarkdownContainer-dxqlie-0"]{content:"eJdqRG,"}/*!sc*/ Mack estimated the cost of having a statue of Jackie placed near UCLAs baseball stadium to be about $100,000. Matthew "Mack" Robinson, Jackie's eldest brother, won a silver medal in the 200-meter relay at the 1936 United States Olympics, defeating the Olympic gold medalist of 1932 for a place on the team. Pasadena was wealthy and conservative and not welcoming to its new residents. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__logo img{width:auto;min-height:31px;max-height:31px;height:100%;}/*!sc*/ In the immediate aftermath of Jackies death and in the 11 years that followed, the project went nowhere. .hHLkAw input::-ms-clear{display:none;}/*!sc*/ [type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration{-webkit-appearance:none;}/*!sc*/ @media (max-width:350px){.mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-item__link .icon__nav-item{display:none;}}/*!sc*/ He is best known for winning a silver medal in the 1936 Summer Olympics, where he broke the Olympic record in the 200 meters. His parents were Edward and Mary (ne Palmer). 1936 Olympic silver medalist (Berlin, Germany). Jackie Robinson is rightly celebrated not just in Centennial Square but everywhere as the man who, on April 15, 1947, broke Major League Baseballs color barrier and helped usher in the American civil rights movement. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-container__primary{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;width:100%;padding:0px;}/*!sc*/ Robinson was born Jan. 31, 1919, in Cairo, Georgia, a small town not far from the Florida-Georgia line. I felt as though they had actually broken my heart.. Jackie Robinson died just over 16 months later Related The Best Players Not Named Jackie Robinson to Wear No. .mHQYb .header__nav-side__main-nav,.mHQYb .header__nav-side__subnav{height:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto;overscroll-behavior:contain;touch-action:manipulation;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;}/*!sc*/ Vlkischer Beobachter, the newspaper of the Nazi Party, opined that Jews and Black people should not be allowed to compete. .fYCiRB{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;height:40px;width:40px;}/*!sc*/ .cwEpxl:hover{background-color:transparent;}/*!sc*/ Mack Robinson, Willa Mae Robinson, Edgar Robinson, and Frank Robinson. data-styled.g10[id="buttonstyle__Label-sc-vlv7w5-0"]{content:"iwXciG,"}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__subnav--teams__league{margin-bottom:5px;}/*!sc*/ So she signed em, and I ran, Mack said. Jackie looks towards Brooklyn, New York, to symbolize the destiny waiting for him 2,800 miles to the east. Though the relay team won the Olympic gold, Robinson couldnt help but feel slighted. "Hey you, sittin' beside that woman," the driver yelled. .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-items{background-color:#041E42;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__subnav{background-color:#ffffff;width:calc(100vw - 145px);}/*!sc*/ While attending Pasadena Junior College, Mack participated in a regional final in the 100- and 200-meter dashes and the 100-meter relay team at the L.A. Memorial Coliseum. Jackie Robinson 1919 - 1972. .blUWSx .share-icon{width:25px;cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ When he was born, his mother named him Jack Roosevelt Robinson. data-styled.g118[id="sc-global-iSmFBW1"]{content:"sc-global-iSmFBW1,"}/*!sc*/ At the start of middle school Mack was diagnosed with a heart murmur that got worse with age, and was advised to only play non-contact sports. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-url-logos{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-pack:end;-webkit-justify-content:flex-end;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;}/*!sc*/ His doctors noted that both of his legs would soon require amputation. Each weighs approximately 2,700 pounds. That same year, the United States Postal Service approved naming the new post office in Pasadena the Matthew 'Mack' Robinson Post Office Building.[8]. .mHQYb .header__nav-side{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;}/*!sc*/ She performed in a variety of manual labor tasks, and moved with her children to Pasadena, California, while the children were still young. The rest of the world could paint him however it saw fit. @media (min-width:375px){.mHQYb .header__subnav--teams__team--shortname{display:none;}.mHQYb .header__subnav--teams__team--name{display:inline-block;}}/*!sc*/ "Brother of baseball icon Jackie Robinson. Image courtesy of Stephen Wong. Within his community, however, Mack was second to none. Such slights and injustices were what sparked Jackie Robinsons awkward relationship with his hometown. Edgar Robinson 1910 - 1994 . Over the years, Robinson remained involved with the U.S. Olympic Committee. Brittni was given the title of VIP Ambassador. I had the greatest respect for Mack, Jackie wrote in his autobiography, I Never Had It Made.. .epHHrr{text-align:center;max-width:100%;margin:0 auto;}/*!sc*/ The finals were where Owens would help cement his legend. @media (min-width:768px){.ggWmAj{max-height:60px;padding:16px 32px 16px 24px;}}/*!sc*/ Those early experiences of discrimination would shape the lives of both Mack, who was 6 when the family moved, and Jackie, who was 1. .hspSPq:hover svg path{fill:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ He was the older brother of Baseball Hall of Fame member Jackie Robinson. /*-->*/ He had the sheer confidence and the fortitude to say, I just want to win.. .mHQYb .icon *{fill:currentColor;}/*!sc*/ article ul{list-style:disc;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-item--mobile-quick-nav{display:inline;}/*!sc*/ He then lost sight in one eye and experienced limited vision in the other. a{background-color:transparent;}/*!sc*/ Today, there are additional permanent tributes to Jackie on UCLAs campus in the form of a statue of him in his football uniform outside the Rose Bowl and a monument of his number 42 outside the athletics and recreation complex that bears his name. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-logo--with-sponsor,.mHQYb .header__nav-top__url-logo--with-sponsor,.mHQYb .header__nav-top__sponsor-logo--with-tagline,.mHQYb .header__nav-top__url-logo--with-tagline{display:none;}/*!sc*/ @supports (-moz-appearance:none){.koKsQt .share-button__square,.koKsQt .share-button__email{-webkit-filter:brightness(0%);filter:brightness(0%);}}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top{background-color:#041E42;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .icon-globe{margin-left:32px;}/*!sc*/ All Mack Robinson could do was use the Olympic stage to showcase his talent. .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item--inner .p-icon *{fill:#ffffff;}/*!sc*/ But as miffed as Mack might have been about that result and the inferior shoes he believed to have caused it, he still had the proper perspective on what he had achieved. They had to be ready for me, because I was ready for them, he said of his competition. One of his proudest moments came in 1984, when he was chosen to be one of the athletes who carried the Olympic flag into L.A. Memorial Coliseum during the opening ceremony of the Summer Games. .HQoYx{border:0;padding:0;text-align:center;}/*!sc*/ That's how he got his middle. .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item__subnav-arrow{color:#ffffff;margin-left:auto;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;font-size:10px;opacity:0.5;}/*!sc*/

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edgar robinson brother of jackie robinson
